A couple new links that I've been meaning to put up but am just too lazy to do it...
Joe - There you go, you attention whore. [Just kidding, you are my hero.]
Jenny - Don't know you at all but you seem cool enough for me to link to anyway. =)
*Friend singing Killa Mike's A.D.I.D.A.S*
Friend: All day I... dream... about... Hold on, where's Joe? I need black up."
Wednesday, July 30, 2003
Brought to You By
10:14 PM
Tuesday, July 29, 2003
Something random: I really like the part in the Black Eyed Peas song, "Let's Get Retarded" where the girl starts spelling out the word "retarded".
Brought to You By
8:01 PM
Hurray for getting better in one day! I went to Hips' house last night to bring her a smoothie (made by my awesome smoothie maker, of course) since she got her wisdom teeth out earlier yesterday (aww... I'm such a good friend). Some other girls came over and we ended up watching Trapped. I knew it was going to be good because it starred Kevin Bacon. There was this one scene that I thought I was gonna see a nasty surprise like I did in "Wild Things" but thankfully, I didn't and my eyes are still in tact. The movie as a whole wasn't *that* bad, it was a lot like Ransom, only not as kickass because it didn't have Mel Gibson, and we all know how much ass Mel kicks.
About 3/4 into the movie, I got a splitting headache. One that hurt so bad that I was unable to focus my eyes. I wanted to go home then but I thought that it probably wasn't a good idea to drive if I couldn't even open my eyes. I waited until it died down a little after I took some advil and drove right on home. The headache only got worse though. Not only did my head hurt, but my stomach began to hurt too. If I had a machete on hand, I probably would be disemboweled by now. Thank God I didn't have one of them dangerous farm tools.
I feel much better now, despite almost losing my lunch today. I'm a trooper.
Hey, hey, guess what! I got the first two Harry Potter books and I plan on starting them soon. I am now what, the last person on Earth to read Harry Potter? (Jenny - You should be so proud.)
For any of you who knows me well or has been to my room, you would know that I have an abnormal obsession for purses. And for the last short 18 years, I have been looking for the perfect purse (yes - I loved purses when I was still in the womb), but I have been unlucky in the "Find the Perfect Purse" area.
Until now.
I found the most amazing purse the other day online. It is so beautiful and it was *just* what I have been looking for to match... well... everything! It totally made my day, and it should make yours too after you see the wonder that is this purse. Lo and behold *cue Angelic music*... Here it is.
Aww it's so pretty. =)
So anyway, I'm gonna go get ready to go out and hope that I won't get sick again. That was no fun. But how can I get sick after discovering that beautiful ball bag?
I leave you all with this. My friend made me this a while ago after I showed her some pictures from my brother's wedding reception. And yes, that really is my reaction to Terence and Suzy sticking their tongues down each others' throats. Priceless, indeed.
Brought to You By
6:33 PM
Saturday, July 26, 2003
Big Steve and I went to see Tomb Raider 2 tonight. Angelina Jolie and her big lips kicked major ass. The movie, however, did not. The *only* reason for anyone to watch this movie is to gawk at Angelina Jolie because she is quite possibly one of the hottest specimens alive. If I could do one girl, I would do her.
And Halle Berry.
Speaking of people I would like to sex, do you ever worry about the kinds of disgusting insects and animal excrements that could possibly lounging in your everyday food? No? Well, now you can!
Oh, no need to thank me. I'm just here to pass the word along.
And before I go to bed... another one of these things:
1. If your life were a movie, what would the title be? Simply Complicated I've Got a Big Meaty Head
2. What songs would be on the soundtrack?
Dave Matthews - Angel
Weezer - Across the Sea
Eric Clapton - Tears in Heaven
Britney Spears - Oops, I Did It Again (how can you have a Tammy movie without a Britney song?)
Billy Joel - Goodnight, My Angel
Geto Boys - Damn, It Feels Good to be a Gangsta
Stone Temple Pilots - Still Remains
Elton John - Tiny Dancer
Blind Melon - No Rain
A Perfect Circle - 3 Libras
Lion King - Circle of Life
The White Stripes - Little Acorns
Luscious Jackson - Here
Black Eyed Peas - Weekend
Ludacris - Rollout (for when I become abillionare)
Bela Fleck - Hoe Down
Jay Chou - Tornado
The Weakerthans - Aside
Counting Crows - Color Blind
Red Hot Chili Peppers - Aeroplane
Tori Amos - Pretty Good Year
Green Day - When I Come Around
Radiohead - Exit Music
Dave Matthews - Spoon
[I could actually place each one of these songs at one stage/moment in my life. But they're not in any particular order.]
3. Would it be a live-action film or animated? Why? Live-action. Cause... the action... would... be... live?
4. Casting: who would play you, members of your family, friends, etc? I'd cast Orlando Bloom. Then I'd make out with him.
5. Describe the movie preview/trailer. Psh, my movie would be so good it wouldn't need a trailer. (Actually, my movie would suck nuts because it would be so boring that no one would want to watch it. That's *really* why it wouldn't need a trailer.)
And with that, I'm out. Later~
Brought to You By
1:26 AM
Thursday, July 24, 2003
I've had issues with my old computer. I got it near the end of summer last year because the one before that got fried during a lightening storm. If you didn't already know, I used to like keeping my computer on for a few days at a time and would just turn off the monitor instead. However, after only a couple months of becoming aquainted with that computer, the monitor button broke [Exhibit A]. I remember that day being Friday the 13th. When I came home, anxious to see if I had any new e-mails, I pushed my monitor button to turn it on, only to hear a horrible cracking noise. After an "oh shit!", I realized that the button was stuck. I tried to pry it around but to no avail. The damn button wouldn't budge. I tried to figure out how it got that way when I hardly pushed it to begin with. I tried to break my computer apart with my head out of frustration.
I got back from Austin a couple days ago only to find that my broken monitor button now had a matching friend: a broken tower button [Exhibit B]. My mom told me that she tried to turn the computer on when I was gone (since I actually turned it off before I left) but it just kept making this terrible beeping noise. She left it on for a while hoping that the noise would stop but when it wouldn't, my mom decided to take matters into her own hands. When she pushed the button again to turn the computer off, she experienced a noise not unlike the one from when the monitor button broke. So now I have a computer that won't turn on, and a monitor that won't turn off. Great.
I got this laptop just in time, huh? Let's just hope that this one won't make me want to chew through my own arm like the other ones did.
Brought to You By
10:26 PM
Emma showed me a great site tonight: Come on along, it's the Posititve Pals! Hurray for crude and tasteless humor! =)
"Don't think of it as losing a brother. Think of it as gaining a delicious corpse."
Brought to You By
1:37 AM
Wednesday, July 23, 2003
I have succeeded in making someone come to this site by looking up www.takeituptheass.com. I am *that* awesome. In other news, I have to go to work. Toodles.
Brought to You By
4:13 PM
Tuesday, July 22, 2003
I love being lazy. I woke up at around noon today and did nothing except watch bad television and make some chicken fajitas. Yum. I had some girls over last night and we grilled burgers and made fabulous fruit smoothies with my new kickass smoothie maker. Yum again. So now I can make smoothies whenever I want instead of shelling out 5 bucks at Smoothie King. Now, I just have get some ice...
Most of the girls decided to go to a party later last night but since Lindsey, Gaby, and I weren't too fond of the party provider, we decided to watch Terminator 3 instead. It was a good choice on our behalf. Fun movie. Lots of stuff blows up. Classic one-liners. A HOT girl terminator. *And* you get to see Ah-nold's naked booty. =)
I'm gonna go get ready to actually get off my fat ass and do something. But you should check out this credit card prank first. I've signed my name as a smilie face once just to see if someone would say anything, but unfortunately... no. I might do that more from now on.
Brought to You By
5:55 PM
Sunday, July 20, 2003
Hie! I'm still in bed right now because I'm too lazy to get up to get ready. My flight leaves at 5:45 this afternoon so I've got another hour or so before I have to leave. Quick rundown of this past week (in list format, because paragraphs suck):
Me: I guess that will make me appreciate college internet a lot.
Terence: Shut up, no it won't.
Me: Yeah, I guess you're right. I'll just make me hate our home connection even more.
Terence: What's the address of your page?
Me: I'm not telling you.
Terence: Why not?
Me: Cause I talk shit about you and I don't want you to hurt me.
I really need to go start getting ready now. But! I shall be in Nashville in about 5 hours. Whee! Byebye for now.
Watching the Kobe Bryant Sprite commercial with my brother during the previews before Bad Boys II...
Commercial (Kobe Byrant): You can be fast... You can be strong...
Me: Or you can commit sexual assult.
Commercial: Obey your thirst.
Brought to You By
2:56 PM
Thursday, July 17, 2003
So I said that I would talk to you guys on Sunday but I lied. *Sigh* I've got nothing better to do with my time. I'm going to the lake tomorrow with my brother and his wife and some of his friends.
*tsk tsk*
1. When was the last time you cheated? Earlier tonight when I was playing a computer game. ^_^
2. When was the last time you stole? I stole a sip of my brother's bubble tea when I was waiting for him to come pick me up this afternoon.
3. When was the last time you lied? Me? Lie? What?
4. When was the last time you broke or vandalized another's property? I broke your heart. And then I ate it.
5. When was the last time you hurt a loved one? A couple weeks ago. I didn't mean to. I am a terrible person. =(
Brought to You By
11:51 PM
Wednesday, July 16, 2003
I am currently in the computer lab on the campus. It's really nice here. The whole campus, that is, not just the computer lab. I've had fun over these last couple of days. However, I have about 2 hours to kill right now and no where to go... so....
1. "Tammy" was not on my birth certificate. My real name is actually Tien-Pei. The "Tien" part meaning "sky", and the "Pei" meaning "a piece of cloth". You can call me Sky-Cloth from now on.
2. This is my favorite number.
3. I used to fight with my mom almost on a daily basis from when I was 12 to 14.
4. I have a surgery scar on my elbow and on my right hip from when I got benign tumors removed last summer in Taiwan. The one on my hip looks a lot like a hickey. They are both very unattractive but I call them my "battle wounds".
5. I wear a toe ring. I haven't taken it off in about 4 years.
6. I love fruits but I hate apples.
7. But I like apple-flavored candy.
8. And I don't like Apple computers.
9. Lion King is still by far my favorite movie of all time and I can't wait until the DVD comes out in October.
10. I set all of my watches and clocks at home at least 10 minutes fast.
11. I have a fuzzy tummy.
12. My fingers and toes are abnomrally short. Big Steve likes to call my hands, "freak hands", and my cousin from Taiwan refers to my fingers/toes as "Sausage Fingers/Toes."
13. I don't think this number is unlucky.
14. I bite my nails.
15. I also tend to chew off all of the nailpolish that takes tedious amounts of time to apply.
16. I've never seen "Wizard of Oz", "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory", or "Mary Poppins".
17. I'm deathly afraid of spiders.
18. I have really good vision. And if I intend to keep it that way, I have got to stop playing on the computer at 4 in the morning in a dark room.
19. I sucked my right thumb until I was 11.
20. I have an overbite now because of it.
21. I hate Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen.
22. But I own Mary-Kate and Ashley lip gloss (courtesy of Molly).
23. Flip flops (freedom flops!) are the only types of shoes that I really like to wear.
24. I used to own a dog named Happy, but I had to give him away when I moved to the states.
25. I pop my knuckles and back a lot.
26. I get scared really easily.
27. When I got my US citizenship, I didn't get a little American flag like everyone else and I was mad.
28. I don't like surprises.
29. Ninja Turtles were the reason why I even started eating pizza.
30. But I don't like pizza anymore...
31. ...Unless it's from Schlotzsky's.
32. I like piercings.
33. I love the Wal-Mart Supercenter.
34. I took piano lessons on and off from ages 6-12, until I begged my mom to let me quit.
35. I wish I still knew how to play.
36. The longest that I've been in a relationship with someone is 2 and half years and going. My shortest was 2 months.
37. I've only had two relationships so far.
38. The majority of my friends are white. I have a feeling that it might change now that I'm in Austin.
39. I found out that my brother was actually only my half-brother the Thanksgiving of 7th grade.
40. I wrote, "Please have mercy." at the end of my AP Government exam junior year. I ended up getting a 3.
41. I want a hot-pink moped.
42. Bad breath is one of the biggest turn-offs.
43. But for some reason, I like garlic breath.
44. I drink orange juice like it's water.
45. I've never been rollerblading.
46. But I took ice skating lessons for over 2 years.
47. I got sunburned for the first time in my entire life last summer in Taiwan at the beach. Boy and I were both burned pretty badly, and we were hurt and miserable.
48. I used to cut my own hair. Until I realized that it was ugly.
49. I remember my grandfather's funeral back from when I was only 2 or 3.
50. I've never broken a bone and plan to keep it that way. *Knocks on wood*
51. I used to hate eating. It would take my mom over an hour just to feed me a small bowl of rice.
52. I don't like kids.
53. I took gymnastics when I was in 1st grade. But I quit after only a few weeks because I didn't like heights, and I had to stand on someone's shoulders.
54. I don't mind heights anymore.
55. I love roller coasters.
56. I can't stand ignorant or close-minded people.
57. I was very happy when the courts okayed gay marriages. Yay!
58. If I don't wear my watch, I feel naked.
59. There are three things that I wish I could do really well and that is write, dance, and sing. I can't do any of them.
60. I used to hate the fact that I was Chinese and everyone around me wasn't. But now, I embrace my heritage.
61. I am a closet Hanson fan. Well... not anymore. I was a little sad when Taylor went off the market and got married.
62. The people that have taught me the most throughout life are my mom, Sivan, David, Sharon, Esther, and Anna Nicole Smith.
63. I hate cold weather.
64. I hate the humidity, too.
65. I love stars.
66. Two books that have really impacted my life are The Joy Luck Club and The Missing Piece.
67. I have yet to read all of the Harry Potter books. Please don't hurt me.
68. I met a girl from Guatemala here at orientation. She is really nice.
69. I am more materialistic than I need to be. I really like stuff. I enjoy buying things. However, I am appreciative of everything that I own.
70. I don't like being outdoors unless it is near water.
71. Mosquitos flock to me like sharks to a menstrating woman. Okay bad example. But bugs like me.
72. I might also be allergic to mosquito bites.
73. I experience the "Asian Flush" when I drink. So I don't.
74. I have never smoked pot before.
75. I used to fall asleep almost every single day in AP European History this past year. I seriously can only remember no more than 20 days that I've actually stayed awake in that class. I ended up getting a 4 on the exam anyway.
76. I used to hate bowling because during the 2nd or 3rd time that I actually went bowling, my fingers got stuck in the holes when I tried to throw the ball. It was a bad experience. But I like bowling now.
78. The hottest Disney characters are Jasmine and Eric.
79. I talk and laugh in my sleep.
80. I brush my teeth in ths shower.
81. I really want to go skydiving.
82. I don't like horses.
83. My favorite type of ice cream is mint chocolate chip.
84. I want to do study abroad in Italy or Spain or Australia.
85. My favorite CD of all time is still "Crash" by Dave Matthews' Band.
86. But I really really really like the new Radiohead CD as well.
87. The most expensive item on my body is the diamond ring that my mom gave me for my 16th birthday. It was her old wedding ring, and she gave it to me kind of as a "promise ring". I haven't taken it off since.
88. I cry easily and a lot.
89. I can be very stubborn and frustrating.
90. I have 10 piercings total. 8 of which are in my ears.
91. I've wanted to be everything when I was little including a nurse, astronaut, firewoman, vet, etc.
92. All of high school I told myself that I would major in business, with an emphasis on international relations.
93. I changed my major today to textiles design and merchandising.
94. I don't know if it will remain the same in 2 years.
95. I get bored with things really easily.
96. I hate all diet drinks except for diet Dr. Pepper.
97. I once asked my mom if I could have a pet rock. She said, "no".
98. I am addicted to chapstick. I will start getting paranoid about my lips drying and cracking and then falling off if I don't have any form of chapstick on hand.
99. I have to lock the doors when I am in a car because I have an irrational fear of the car door flying open when the car is moving at a fast speed, and then for some freak reason, my seatbelt will pop open and I will fly out the door, get run over by the back wheels, and my body parts and guts will splatter all over the windshields of the drivers behind. Yes. I actually imagine this happening.
100. No one is allowed to touch my throat but me and occasionally Boy. I shall explain later.
So that's it. It efficiently killed a lot of time, and now I only have to wait another hour or so before my next meeting. Hurray! Enjoy reading, and I will talk to you guys when I go back to Nashville on Sunday. Bye!
Brought to You By
9:54 PM
Saturday, July 12, 2003
Before I go...
1. Do you remember your first best friend? Who was it? I had a best friend in 3rd and 4th grade. Her name was Megan. But then we went to different schools and lost touch and I hadn't talked to her since we went our separate ways. However, I did see her at bowling earlier this year and her number is still in my cell phone. But wouldn't it be kind of weird if I just sorta called her up now? Yeah. I thought so too. But my first *real* best friend is Sivan.
2. Are you still in touch with this person? Yeah. She's in Isreal right now though so I haven't talked to her in a while. By "a while" I mean 5 days. =(
3. Do you have a current close friend? I have a lot of close friends. Most of the people I hang out with are my close friends. [Yes. I really do consider you guys friends.]
4. How did you become friends with this person? Mostly through church, school, and other people.
5. Is there a friend from your past that you wish you were still in contact with? Why? I kind of wish that I kept in touch with Megan. We shared some good times back in the day.
I'm flying to Austin tomorrow afternoon for college orientation. I'll be back by next Sunday, but I have a feeling that I'll still post every now and then so you kids won't feel so lonely. But anyway, have a good one.
Brought to You By
11:17 PM
Wednesday, July 9, 2003
I went hottubbing at a friend's house tonight. I wish that I took advantage of our hot tub when we were still living at our old house. But anyway, I'm gonna try going to bed now because I have to wake up early tomorrow to ogle the boys in Pirates of the Carribbean. G'night.
Friend From Work: Good tip.
Me: How much?
FFW: One dollar.
Me: Are you serious? That's it? That guy was a doctor too!
FFW: Really?
*Both look out the window at the man wearing hospital scrubs*
Together: Must be a nurse.
Brought to You By
10:53 PM
I love pampering myself. I indulged in a 20 minute candle-lit bubble bath while reading the latest People magazine and listening to some good piano music. Afterwards, I gave myself a full pedicure and manicure. Then I completely exfoliated my face to get rid of the dead skin cells and then put on a cleansing mask to "remove trapped dirt and oil". Now I have on a different mask that I leave on overnight to moisturize my skin.
Mmm. I feel like a princess.
Brought to You By
2:35 AM
Tuesday, July 8, 2003
My brother promised me a laptop for my graduation present. I'm finally getting it... Hopefully when I go to Austin next week for my orientation. But... here it is. Aww it's pwetty. I tried to get him to get it in hot pink for me, but all they had was an ugly red. But it's okay because that's what spray paint is for! Yay new toy! I knew I was related to him for a reason. ^_~
SooshiMooshi: Aww... you're such a nice brother.
tcheng35: What happened to "loser"?
SooshiMooshi: You're a nice loser =)
Before bed time...
Friend: Hey, where did Ari go?
Me: Oh I don't know. Probably off somewhere having a big nose.
We love you! =)
Brought to You By
11:32 PM
I went out to dinner and the mall tonight with the Mom. Every single time that I go to the Green Hills mall I think about just how much I hate it. It's so... rich. It reminds me a little too much of the private school I used to attend and everything I hated about it. All of the stores are too preppy or too expensive or too... pink. You can even get valet parking. The only store in which I could ever afford anything is Payless Shoes (which is a *great* store, mind you. There just needs to be more stores where I can actually buy stuff. And you know how much I love to buy stuff.) It's kind of like when I went to go see Legally Blonde 2 last week (yes, I saw it. And I even liked it. *Gasp*). When I walked into the Green Hills theater, I was shocked to see just how many blonde 14 year old girls there were. The whole damn theater was filled with... them. I wanted to cry.
But I digress.
So I hate the Green Hills mall. And you're probably thinking, "So why don't you just go to a different one and shut your bitching?" To which I would reply, "Screw you, I like to bitch." I only complain about this one because I live really close to it, and it would be the most convenient to get anything. Then again, I hardly go to malls anyway. I'm all about the thrift stores and Super Wal-mart. Speaking of which, I want to get some little boy t-shirts sometime soon. Anyone want to go thrifting?
I also want to be a dork and read some more books. Any good recommendations? [On books, not on how to be a dork, even though I'm sure you all could give me some really great advice. ^_~]
So I'm addicted to the Insaniquarium game. I am *so* close to getting all of the little special creatures, but it's those damn aliens that hinder me from being able to beat the game. DAMN YOU SEA ALIENS!!! You should play too. It kills time and your back efficiently.
Holy crap it's 2:30. The last time I checked the clock it was only 11. It's these stupid computer games that keep me up at night, I tell you. I'm going to go clean my room and go to sleep. Nighty night.
Brought to You By
2:40 AM
Sunday, July 6, 2003
I'm sitting here finishing off my mini-fudge-pie (yum!) and thinking about how amazing these past few days has been. I got to see Boy. I would rave on and on about it but I shall spare you all from the gruesome details. I just feel very... happy and content right now. [Thanks for a great weekend, babe. See you in August.]
Anyway, I'm really tired. I think I'm going to clean up the mess I made in the kitchen and go to bed early. Yeah I know! Before midnight, too! Amazing, huh? But knowing me, I'll probably be up until 3 or 4 in the morning like I usually am. Maybe I'll stay up playing stupid flash games like this one where you fling a cow. It's weirdly amusing. My highest score has been 430... which is an invitation for you to keep playing until you beat me =) Okay goodbye.
Brought to You By
8:54 PM
Friday, July 4, 2003
How can I feel so genuinely happy one minute and completely shitfaced the next? Ugh. Emotions are dumb.
Brought to You By
4:13 AM
On time:
1. What were your favorite childhood stories? Some ancient Chinese legends... like... the guy who shot down the suns, and the rabbit in the moon... those were all great. Oh, what? You don't know what I'm talking about? Oh, I'm sorry, it's a Chinese thing. [Haha just kidding. Please don't hurt me.]
2. What books from your childhood would you like to share with [your] children? I don't really remember a lot books that I read when I was young that I liked a lot, but I remember the children's books that I read within the last few years that I thoroughly enjoyed and would like to share with my kids (assuming that I have any, that is). So I like "Guess How Much I Love You", "The BFG", "The Missing Piece", and "The Giving Tree".
3. Have you re-read any of those childhood stories and been surprised by anything? Not really suprised, but after 2 years of AP English, I tend to analyze books a lot more. Perhaps more than I should. So I would just analyze these children's books trying to find out any "deeper meanings". It's kind of like when my friends and I were analyzing the satirical intent and socio-historical content behind mid-nineties social life of wealthy rich teenage kids in the movie, Clueless. I wish I was kidding. I blame it on my English teachers. *Shakes fist*
4. How old were you when you first learned to read? I learned to read Chinese newspapers when I was only 4 or so. Yeah, I was a smart kid. I don't know what happened. I think my mom might dropped me down the stairs and let my head bounce every step of the way. Or maybe it's cuz Amerikah tryd 2 make me smrt but they jus mest up somwhere alon the lynes.
5. Do you remember the first 'grown-up' book you read? How old were you? No, I don't remember. I still like them non 'grown-up' books thankyouverymuch.
Speaking of books, I would definitely recommend Survivor, by Chuck Palahniuk. Good and crazy stuff. And yes, it's actually a 'grown-up' book, mind you. Anyway, enough of this nerd business, off to bed. Night.
Oh and Happy 4th of July, folks. I get to celebrate by working. Yay Amerikah!
Brought to You By
3:29 AM
Tuesday, July 1, 2003
I've been missing.
Well, not me, really. My template was missing. I tried to post something about something and then I realized that there was no template for me to post to. It was a sad day. I've been juggling my time with Sivan with my time to make a new template this past week. Granted, most of my time went to Sivan. Not that I don't love you guys, but hey, this girl came all the way from California to see me. If you want my time, why don't you fly here to see me too, huh? Huh?
Just kidding. So here it is. New and... ugly. I miss my old template. It was nice and simple. RIP old template.
Alright. So there needs to be more improvements to be made here but I'm just too tired and stupid to figure things out. I realize that I should never do anything later on in life that involves computers because I just may end up gouging my eyes out with rusty spoons. I may also end up with no work if I don't do anything with computers, but hey, sure beats being blind. So... anyone want to help me? Please?
Aside from nerdy computer stuff. This past week has been fun. Sivan and I had a good time. At least, I think. But I mean, Nashville is just so much better than LA anyway. Who would want to go to LA when you live in Nashville?! She must have been crazy to move away from here. =) But yeah... we had fun. Didn't do much stuff except for hang out with my buddies. I think we might have scared her by showing her just how disgustingly alike we all are. In a good but scary way though? Maybe?
Anyway. I had fun a blast with you, Siv. Sorry about that stupid argument. Thank you for coming to visit me and I love you =)
Seeing how it's Tuesday, I should go ahead and do this:
1. How are you planning to spend the summer [winter]? Sleeping, working, and spending as much time with my mommy and friends before we all go off to college.
2. What was your first summer job? The one I have now. I volunteered at the nursing home that my mom worked at in middle school, but that wasn't a paying job so I guess it doesn't count.
3. If you could go anywhere this summer [winter], where would you go? I really wouldn't mind going to the beach again. Maybe I could go join Molly in Hawaii. Or maybe Isreal with sivan. Actually, I don't mind staying home at all this summer. It's nice just sleeping in and relaxing every day.
4. What was your worst vacation ever? I think it was when I went to Taiwan two years ago. I was sad because I was thousands of miles away from the people that meant a lot to me and they had to go to college that year. I wanted to spend time with them but I couldn't because I was so far away. For two months, I was lonely and miserable and missing people back home. That was no fun.
5. What was your best vacation ever? I've had a few. I went to Hawaii when I was 12 with my family, and it was one of the most amazing places, ever. I would love to go back to visit. Or maybe do what my brother did for his graduation - go for 6 weeks and stay at a beach house in Maui and go scuba diving almost every day for free. Last summer was pretty fun, being able to share where I grew up and my background with someone that I loved. Spring Break of 9th grade was fun when I went to visit Sivan in LA. And of course, this past spring break was awesome. Chilling with my closest friends from school and doing whatever we wanted to was great.
Alrighty folks. It's time for bed. I'm hoping that some more changes will be made around here, eventually... I just hope I don't mess things up too badly. Feel free to tell me how much I suck.
Us: *Sings along to Britney Spears' "Slave 4 U"*
Lindsey: Isn't this song supposed to be about becoming a "slave to the music" when going to clubs and stuff?
Me: Yeah, if by "music" you mean "hot steaming sex".
Emily: Hey, don't diss Britney. It's the song that makes it okay for young girls like us to be sluts!
Us: Yay!
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3:33 AM