I am housesitting for my brother for a couple of days. Except it's really not as much "housesitting" as it is "sitting around, eating all of my brother's food, and watching tv all day". But hey, I pet the cats every now and then to keep them company. Gosh. I should get paid for this kind of service.
As I was watching tv today, I noticed that the Disney Channel thoughtfully decided to remake "Circle of Life" from the Lion King into this new, hip, pop song, sung by That's so Raven, Lizzy McGuire, Smart Guy, Ren Stevens, and Penny Proud. That irks me to no end because they completely butchered the most amazing song from my favourite favorite (note to self: I am not British) movie of all time. Damn you Disney. *Shakes fist*
I took a bath (I don't even want to think about what goes on in that bathtub) earlier tonight and it felt amazing. I haven't had a really good bath since I was still living in the old house. You see, my apartment shower has a small grudge against me ever since I accidentally broke the shower head a few days after I moved in. So even though it'll let me take nice hot showers for long periods of time, once it finds out that I want to take a bath, the water will go cold. That leaves me with two options: I can either take a bath in a tub full of cold water, or in a tub 1/4 full of hot water. And since neither seem too appealing, I try to avoid taking baths altogether even though I love them. Sad, I know. Anyway, I decided to take advantage of the time that I'm here and indulged in an hour-long bath. Complete with scented bubbles, bath salts, body scrubs, the whole nine yards. Mmm, I love bubble baths. Actually, I just really like basking in my own filth. Yum.
I'm about to go to sleep (I don't even want to think about what goes on in that bed) after I get off the computer. I am going to sleep so well tonight, which will be a first since I've been there. The bed that my brother has for the guest room is the most comfortable bed that I have ever slept on (not that I've slept on a lot of beds or anything...). It feels as though your body is molded into the mattress and I woke up this morning completely sore-free. My bed at home isn't even this comfortable. If my brother lived any closer to campus, I would probably crash here every single night, even at the risk of hearing things that I really don't want to be hearing. I'm still keeping my fingers crossed that I don't stumble upon anything unpleasant like condoms or 16-inch long dildos. That would scar me for life.
Ope! Time out. I got a phone call. Finish later.
Aww that was Boy. I miss him =( I'm having major Boy withdrawl. It's kind of sad, really.
Anyway, I've only had class for 3 days and I'm already sick of it and I want to go home. Does that make me a pathetic person? Nonetheless, my classes are pretty decent so far. But 4 of them are core classes so therefore they're not going to be super interesting or fun. I have one class that has maybe 20 people, and the other ones have at least 200 in each. Yay people! But here's what my schedule looks like (you know, in case there was an emergency and you really needed to know where I was or something...):
9-10 ~ Intro to Psychology [I think I'm going to like this class a lot despite the fact that there are over 300 people in it. The teacher is really interesting and funny and funny is always a plus in my book.]
1-2 ~ Topics in Writing [When I signed up for this class, I didn't know that there were going to be different topics depending on the class that you get into. So silly little me got into "The Poetry of Texas". As super as that topic sounds, I decided to drop it and now I'm taking "Rhetoric of Feminsm", which has the potential to be a really good class. I just hope that my writing won't suck.]
2-3 ~ Ecology, Evolution, and Society [Eh. Whatever. It's a Bio course, and even though the professor seems really cool, my AP teacher from Junior year pretty much killed off any interest I had left in the field of Biology.]
8:30-9:30 ~ Textiles [I'm not too sure about this class yet. The only thing that the professor emphasized last Thursday was that if you miss a class without a doctor's note, then 4 points will be deducted from the final grade. Oh, and there will be assigned seating. Hello 4th grade.]
12:30-2 ~ Intro to Microeconomics [Bleh. Economics = math = the bane of my existance. However, I don't have to take a real math class aside from statistics EVER AGAIN, and that makes me happier than Ben and Jerry's ice cream.]
10-11 ~ Biology Lab
2-5 ~ Textiles Lab
So as you can see, Tuesdays are going to be my busiest days. But aside from that, the schedule works out pretty okay. I'll have time between my morning and afternoon classes to sleep and nap go work out or run some errands. Next step: don't fail. And always use the library because they are cool.
I just bit off all of the polish that I had on my fingernails. Gross.
The cats are fast asleep in this room, so I guess that's sign for me to go to bed too. I really shouldn't follow in the footsteps of Hercules and Hershey though seeing how they sleep for about 20 hours a day and are morbidly obese [As a matter of fact, they look not unlike these rabbits, only not as rabbity]. But that bath is beginning to kick in and I'm ready to go mold into my bed. Until next time... Nighty night.
Sunday, August 31, 2003
Brought to You By
1:38 AM
Friday, August 29, 2003
Hey hey, you know what time it is...
1. Are you going to school this year? Why yes, yes I am.
2. If yes, where are you going (high school, college, etc.)? If no, when did you graduate? University of Texas, Austin. Yay Longhorns.
3. What are/were your favorite school subjects? I like all of my classes so far actually. But seeing how its' only been 3 days, I can't really say much. Check back with me in a month.
4. What are/were your least favorite school subjects? Can't say anything yet... However, I didn't like any of my classes senior year in high school. I liked the people, but the class itself? Not so much.
5. Have you ever had a favorite teacher? Why was he/she a favorite? Ms. Green. Hahahaeww. Just kidding. (Molly - Remember, we still have to drop kick the little spawns of Satan into a field goal.) No, my favorite teacher was definitely Ms. Bradshaw from junior year. I had her for three of my AP classes, and they were a bitch. But. I learned a lot, and she made the most boring subjects seem somewhat interesting. Best of all though? She helped me get 9 hours of credit here =)
Brought to You By
6:00 PM
Thursday, August 28, 2003
I watched the MTV Music Video Awards tonight and I'm really not sure why I succumb myself to this shit every year. It gets worse and worse. However, my favorite line by Chris Rock was definitely, "...50 Cent... He's taken more shots to the face than Jenna Jameson."
I also really want the Queens of the Stone Age CD now... hrm...
But but but... I gotta go finish reading for tomorrow, so ta ta for now.
Brought to You By
10:11 PM
Wednesday, August 27, 2003
Today was my first day of classes. Everything went pretty well and I'm already getting used to walking a lot. My classes are good so far, but since it's only the first day and we didn't do anything, I can't say much. I'm exhausted right now though because I am not used to only getting 7 hours of sleep. But don't worry, I'll be back to my 4-hours-sleep-a-night habit in no time.
My roomate is deathly ill. It's kind of sad, really, because she's not her usual chipper self. Her aunt took her to the doctor and I don't know when she will be back or if she's even gonna be back for the weekend. Tammy is lonely. *Cries*
Oh, just for the record, I am *totally* rushing next semester. I am going to rush and do really well so I can get into a fancy schmancy sorority and get lots of free stuff and then say, "Umm... yeeeahh... I didn't really wanna do this, but thanks for the free food anyway!" My roomate got into Delta Gamma earlier this week and she got a huge basket of free t-shirts, candy, balloons, notebooks, 2 dozen roses, etc. from her sisters. So yeah. I'm rushing. Definitely. (Molly - we are gonna join Asian soroities, right?)
I saw the most awesome mullet today when I was walking to my Bio class. It made me very happy. I would have taken a picture of it but MulletMan got away too quickly. He must have wanted to get out of the humidity as quickly as possible because the curls were beginning to frizz, and you know how annoying that can be. However, to celebrate the occasion, I would like you all to Rate My Mullet.
Anywaste, I am going to bed now seeing how I have a 8:30 class tomorrow morning. Night!
Brought to You By
11:26 PM
Monday, August 25, 2003
Howdy howdy~
I'm at my brother's house right now because I came here to have dinner with Terence and Suzy. Whee! I'm such a bum =)
A roundup of what's happened these past few days:
And this was from last week...
1. When was the last time you laughed? 5 minutes ago. I was laughing at my brother's biggidy big head.
2. Who was the last person you had an argument with? The Mom.
3. Who was the last person you e-mailed? One of my professors.
4. When was the last time you bathed? This morning.
5. What was the last thing you ate? Some chicken lo mein and fried fish that Terence and Suzy made. Yum.
I'll hopefully be updating more now that I'm here and getting settled in. But I gotta go back to the campus now. Tell me how things are going wherever you are. Okaygoodbye!
Brought to You By
9:17 PM
Friday, August 22, 2003
I am leaving in about 5 hours on a terribly long road trip. I can't believe that this is all happening already, and I'm definitely not prepared for whatever comes next.
I've cried my heart out this past week. Everytime I would start thinking about leaving or when I look at a note or a picture, I can't help but just burst into tears. I'm really, really sad. I didn't even know that it was possible to cry as much as I have recently. I just got back from Boy's house a about 20 minutes ago, and I cried the whole way home. I'm really glad that there were no cars out on the road since my vision was seriously blurred. It's hard leaving the people you love more than life itself. I can't even being to imagine what it's going to be like without them once classes start. *Sigh*
Well anyway, I guess this is it. The next time you read this, I will be in Austin and will be starting a new chapter in my life. Take care for now (especially to Hips, Boy, Emma, Joe, and Ben - have safe trips), and I shall update again soon. *Muah!*
But of course, I can't go without leaving a little somethin' somethin'. I would like to dedicate the chorus of my new favorite song, "Get Low" by none other than Lil' Jon and the East Side Boyz featuring the YingYang Twins, to those who are leaving this weekend. You guys didn't really think that you could leave without reading the WORST LYRICS to the WORST SONG, EVER, did you? You should love me forever.
3,6,9 standing real fine move it can you sack it to me one mo time
Get low, get low, get low, get low, get low, get low
To da window, to da wall,
To the sweat drop down my balls
To all these bitches crawl
To all skeet skeet motherfucker all skeet skeet god damn
To all skeet skeet motherfucker all skeet skeet god damn [I don't understand this part whatsoever...]
[Sidenote: I was going to post all of the lyrics but I figured that the chorus was brutal enough. If I were you, I would download this song just to hear how bad it is, and then burn your ears off because you actually listened to it in the first place. *Cheers*]
Brought to You By
3:46 AM
Wednesday, August 20, 2003
I spent another fun night with Boy. There's something really comforting about waking up right next to the person you love the most. We spent most of the afternoon shopping for video games/CDs/DVDs/computer stuff (aka "toys for boys"), and then my mom met up with me and we got some more college stuff. I got a pink bathrobe and it makes me smile.
I am taking a break from packing at the moment. When I said "holy crap I have a lot of clothes" a couple days ago, I really should have said, "holy crap I have a lot of SHIT." I am going through everything I own and throwing away anything that I won't be needing anymore. If you know me well, then you would know that I like stuff. I collect everything from bottles and dried flowers, to pencils and giant dildos. Haha. Just kidding, I don't really collect pencils. Anyway, it's becoming a real bitch to clean out my room. I never thought that I could ever fit this much in this small room. I already have a big duffle bag and suitcase filled. Might I also add that my suitcase is so big that Molly can fit inside it and I am able to zip it up. There's still a lot to do, but I'm tired and I just want to go to bed. However, I really do need to clean and pack though seeing how I am leaving in 2 days.
Speaking of leaving, you all should check out just what kind of college I shall be attending in just a few more days. Number 2 for lots of beer and hard liquor? Awesome. I knew I chose the right place to get a great education.
Anyway, I better go finish cleaning the horrendous mess I have made. And since I might not be able to update for a few more days, I shall leave you all with some stupid links to keep you busy. Byeee~
Letterscapes - This is really neat, and I efficiently killed about 30 minutes by looking at what each letter did.
What You Are - Supposedly I am a sexy doughnut who loves to whallop vibrators. Huh. Who knew?
The Ugly Mushroom Game - You are a mushroom. And you eat bugs. With your mushroom tongue. Questions need not be asked.
Squash Terrorists - You get to squish bad guys with the all-holy-yet-horribly-drawn foot of the majestic Statue of Liberty to horrible background music. It's fun, only not.
Brought to You By
12:58 AM
Sunday, August 17, 2003
I hadn't been home for the past two nights and I just remembered how much of a disaster my room is. I am beginning to forget the color of my carpet. It's kind of sad, really.
On Friday night, I went to Boy's house after work. We decided to see Freddy Vs. Jason. Yes, you heard me right. We went to see... that. Boy was tempted to buy the tickets saying, "Two for that awful, awful, movie." We went into the movie expecting it to be one of the worst that we had ever seen. Suprisingly, we came out of it knowing that it was one of the worst we had ever seen. However, since I had absolutely no expectations for this movie aside from it being a whole lot of bad, the experience was tolerable if not entertaining. FVJ followed every bad horror movie stereotype (all of which were pretty much created by the old Nightmare on Elm Street and Friday the 13th movies). There was plenty of gratuitous nudity, stupid teenagers, sex, bad acting, drugs, ridiculous stunts, and of course... LOTS AND LOTS OF BLOOD. It's always fun watching blood spew out of a person like a firehose. So. Freddy or Jason? While the idea of Freddy is more frightening, I must say that Jason was the bigger badass in this movie. It just makes me feel all warm and bubbley inside when I see Jason hack young teenagers to pieces with his oversized machete. To sum things up... this movie is so bad that it's kind of... (dare I say it?) good. Personally, I'd go see it just to watch Kelly from Destiny's Child get thrown 50 feet into a tree.
After watching Freddy Vs. Jason, I realized that I had recognized the main character girl as Abby from Dawson's Creek. I'm not sure what is more pathetic... the fact that I recognized the girl as a character from Dawson's Creek, or that I actually went to see this movie in the first place. Actually, I think the most sad part of all of this is that I am probably going to Boy's house tonight to watch some old Jason or Freddy movies. *Sigh* What has it done to us?
Anyway, I went with Boy to visit his relatives on Saturday morning. They are very nice people, and I thoroughly enjoyed myself. And just for the record, his grandmother makes amazing country food.
Boy: So was meeting my relatives awkward?
Me: Can't be any more awkward than you meeting my family in Taiwan. At least I'm able to speak to yours.
I had my last day of work last night. I almost cried because I was so happy. No, actually, I really almost did cry because I was sad to be leaving Mr. and Mrs. Chen and Big Steve. They had become a second family to me (since I actually see them more than I see my mom) and it's going to be hard to leave them too.
I spent the night at Esther's last night, and air mattresses are so not comfortable. I wanted to pop the damn thing and just sleep on the carpet instead, but I was too tired to move. I went to church this afternoon to say goodbye to people. Actually, my mom made me go and she probably thought that I was gonna go to hell if I didn't. Then again, I probably am going to hell after reading Harry Potter for about an hour during service. What? It's a good book, and I don't know what they're saying anyway. *Looks away*
I am now about to leave to go meet up with some friends for dinner. Be good. Try not to trash this place while I'm gone, mkay?
Brought to You By
5:58 PM
Friday, August 15, 2003
I drove behind a school bus on the way to Boy's house, and while normally that would annoy me to the point of me wanting to break things, today it made me very happy. Why? Because I was looking at it and thinking, "That sucks. Glad I'm never gonna have to do that EVER AGAIN." Granted, I had never even ridden a school bus until junior year for a field trip, I am just happy that I'm not a part of that anymore. Boo to metro public school system. Boo, I say.
So Boy and I went to CD Warehouse and I ended up buying 4 CDs. Hey! I'm actually buying CDs now instead of stealing them from Kazaa! I should get an award or something. Maybe my award is that I'm not getting my ass sued by RIAA. Aww, that's so nice of you, Mr. Recording Industry. You shouldn't have.
Anyway, I got:
Beastie Boys - Hello Nasty
Outkast - Stankonia
Fugees - The Score
The Lion King Soundtrack.
Yes, my friends. That is indeed three hip hop CDs and the Lion King Soundtrack. Something is wrong with me. Seriously.
Some other CD's that I wanted to get but couldn't because I am poor (*nudge nudge*):
Guster - Keeping It Together
India.Arie - Acoustic Soul
Lauryn Hill - The Miseducation Of Lauryn Hill [Boy got it instead]
Radiohead - OK Computer
Speaking of music, Jump Little Children and George Clinton were at downtown tonight. George Clinton was really really awesome.
Or so they tell me.
Lovely little me was at work until 9 tonight and I didn't know if it was going to be worth it to drive all the way to downtown to see a show for maybe an hour. If I had known that it was gonna be a great show, I would have made the trip. Now I'm definitely regretting not going to see it. And of course, Boy telling me that it was probably one of the best concerts he's ever been to doesn't help. But it's okay though, cause I spent some quality time with Ruth and Esther at a little Chinese restaurant. I wish that I had been more hungry because the food looked incredible (by incredible, I also mean authentic). It was good to see them again since they were in LA for about a month. But hey! I better start getting used to not seeing them cause I am leaving next Friday. Oh wow. That is real soon, isn't it?
1. How much time do you spend online each day? Too damn much. I actually haven't been online much lately because I've been with Boy most of the time. But I normally would spend at least 2 or 3 hours on the computer daily although I have been known to be on for 9 hours straight before.
2. What is your browser homepage set to? about:blank
3. Do you use any instant messaging programs? If so, which one(s)? AIM and Trillian (which is becoming my new favorite IM program).
4. Where was your first webpage located? Shh. That's a secret.
5. How long have you had your current website? 2 years and 4 months. Whoa. That is a long time for me seeing how I get bored with stuff really easily. I can't even keep pets alive for that long.
As for the power outages from earlier this afternoon/tonight? Damn you, Canada. Everything's your fault. *Shakes fist*
I think I will post the lyrics to "Blame Canada" from the classic, "South Park: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut" for this special moment.
Times have changed
Our kids are kids are getting worse
They won't obey their parents
They just want to fart and curse!
Should we blame the government?
Or blame society?
Or should we blame the images on TV?
No! Blame Canada
Blame Canada
With all their beady little eyes
And flappin heads so full of lies
Blame Canada
Blame Canada
We need to form a full assault
It's Canadas fault!
Don't blame me
For my son Stan
He saw the darn cartoon
And now he's off to join the Klan!
And my boy Eric once
Had my picture on his shelf
But now when I see him he tells me to fuck myself!
Well, blame Canada
Blame Canada
It seems that everythings gone wrong
Since Canada came along
Blame Canada
Blame Canada
There not even a real country anyway
My son could've been a doctor or a lawyer, it's true
Instead he burned up like a piggy on a barbecue
Should we blame the matches?
Should we blame the fire?
Or the doctors who allowed him to expire?
Heck no!
Blame Canada
Blame Canada
With all their hockey hullabaloo
And that bitch Anne Murray too
Blame Canada
Shame on Canada
The smut we must stop
The trash we must smash
Laughter and fun
must all be undone
We must blame them and cause a fuss
Before someone thinks of blaming us!
Just kidding. I <3 Canadians. Really.
Brought to You By
2:44 AM
Monday, August 11, 2003
My mommy and I went to Tar-jhey tonight and she got me lots of new stuff for my dorm. Yay for new stuff! I really hope that my roommate won't end up bringing the same things because then all the stuff that I got today would just be put to waste... Oh yeah, it would also be great to know who my roommate is before the day I move in, but I guess the people over at Dobie didn't really put that into consideration. Let's just hope that she won't shave my eyebrows or steal my soul or anything like that. *Crosses fingers*
I got new undies today too. They are cute. You should kiss them. NO EW I'M JUST KIDDING THAT'S GROSS!
Today was the first day of school for metro. It's nice not having to be in high school this year because the school system is cracking down. Cracking down on what, exactly? I'm not sure... but that's what they tell me. But for those of you who had to go to school today, I feel for you. Waking up at 6:30 sure doesn't sound fun right about now. Hey! That's when I go to sleep!
I actually have to go back to Hillsboro sometime this week anyway. I need to get my art supplies since I casually forgot to take them with me at the end of the school year. I also need to pay for my yearbook. That way, in twenty years, my kids can look back at the pictures and laugh at our hideous haircuts and clothes but then wear the same things in another 5 years. Funny how that works.
I started packing tonight [with much help from the lovely Hips] and I realized that holy crap I have a lot of clothes (most of them being ugly, but a lot, nonetheless). I am throwing away 14 bags of clothes and 12 pairs of shoes and yet I'm still a little worried about how much stuff I still have left to take. I've already got one huge suitcase full, and I still have a lot left. It's neverending, I swear. Why do I have to be such a goddamn girl?
And further proof to as how I'm such a girl?
[Talking to a friend last night...]
Me: I miss David. =(
Friend: Aww when was the last time you saw him?
Me: ... This afternoon.
Friend: You are pathetic.
Anyway, I'm gonna go read and go to bed. I was gonna straighen up my room but I figure that since I have to pack it all up anyway, I might as well leave it scattered everywhere. It's good logic, see?
I shall leave you all with this nice little thought for the day:
"Most people think life sucks, and then you die. Not me. I beg to differ. I think life sucks, then you get cancer, then your dog dies, your wife leaves you, the cancer goes into remission, you get a new dog, you get remarried, you owe ten million dollars in medical bills but you work hard for thirty-five years and you pay it back and then -- one day -- you have a massive stroke, your whole right side is paralyzed, you have to limp along the streets and speak out of the left side of your mouth and drool but you go into rehabilitation and regain the power to walk and the power to talk and then -- one day -- you step off a curb at 67th Street, and BANG you get hit by a city bus and then you die. Maybe." -Denis Leary
Brought to You By
11:52 PM
I got a bug bite on my right foot that's so swollen it actually hurts to stand. I really wouldn't mind so much now if my foot fell off.
Brought to You By
2:30 AM
Saturday, August 9, 2003
I am tired.
I have been with Boy for the past couple of nights and therefore I have not gotten sufficient amounts of sleep (by "sufficient ", I mean "at least 12 hours of uninterrupted napping"). I was not my usual chipper self at work tonight. The things that I normally find amusing only annoyed me to the point that I wanted to hit my head repeatedly with a brick wall. I don't know if it's because I'm tired, or if it's because my period is starting.
I also realized that boys will never, ever, get grossed out until you start talking about tampons. Yum.
I got to see all the girls tonight after work for our last little get-together. It's finally hitting me that 3 of my closest friends from school are leaving this weekend. Granted, they'll only be an hour away from here, but just the whole idea of it, and the fact that we are all about to start our lives over in a completely new environment... it's overwhelming. I have not cried yet. But I'm sure I will.
As the time for me to go is nearing, I'm wondering what things about myself that I could change. This is the time for me to start altering things about myself, and even become a new person if I really wanted to. You know, start my life over as a completely new Tammy. Then again, the reason why people like me (scary thought, I know) is because I'm... me.... I don't know what it's going to be like once school starts. I don't think that I'm nervous as of now, but I think it's mainly because I have absolutely no idea what to expect. I really shouldn't worry too much about meeting people though. I'm going to the biggest college in the nation so I'm bound to find a couple friends amongst the 60,000 people there. I just don't know if I am ready for such a big change though... Just as I am getting comfortable and happy with where I am right now, I have to pick up and move on. Stupid change. Stupid life.
On a lighter note, my new sparkley pink nail polish is pweety. Ahhh...
And before I go... Friday Five:
1. What's the last place you traveled to, outside your own home state/country? Austin, TX
2. What's the most bizarre/unusual thing that's ever happened to you while traveling? The summer after Sophomore year in Taiwan, a random person came up to me and asked me for my autograph because she thought that I was Coco Lee. I bet she was highly disappointed when she realized that I wasn't. (Either that, or she felt incredibly stupid.) But hey, I was flattered cause Coco is HOT.
3. If you could take off to anywhere, money and time being no object, where would you go? The moon.
4. Do you prefer traveling by plane, train or car? Actually, I would rather teleport. I just have to be careful as to not sneeze in the process of doing so, because then I could get caught in the middle of... nowhere.
5. What's the next place on your list to visit? I want to visit the whole continent of Europe.
Brought to You By
12:27 AM
Monday, August 4, 2003
Best lines from the movie, Airplane!...
"Surely you can't be serious."
"I am serious... And don't call me Shirley."
"Well, it's a big pretty white plane with a red stripe, curtains at the windows, wheels, and it just looks like a big Tylenol!"
"First time?"
"No, I've been nervous lots of times."
"There's no reason to become alarmed, and we hope you'll enjoy the rest of your flight. By the way, is there anyone on board who knows how to fly a plane?"
Brought to You By
1:19 AM
Saturday, August 2, 2003
Who ever thought that online conversations could be so interesting? [I <3 Hips]
Kristy1975: tammy smells like butt
SooshiMooshi: molly eats butt
Kristy1975: ered popcorn
SooshiMooshi: poopcakes
Kristy1975: ill poop your cakes
SooshiMooshi: molly smells like eats buttered poopcakes
Kristy1975: we're sad people
SooshiMooshi: indeed
Kristy1975: are people gonna like us next year?
SooshiMooshi: i don't know. probably not
Kristy1975: hm, sad
Kristy1975: oh, hey, I emailed my roomate, and she emailed me back, saying "i actually have a situation i might need to discuss with you, but i will wait til you email me back. it's not that big a deal so don't worry." what could that mean?
SooshiMooshi: hmm... thats weird
Kristy1975: i know!! i'm totally freaked out!
SooshiMooshi: maybe she wants to discuss what to bring
Kristy1975: what if she likes to sleep around, and that is her situation?
Kristy1975: or she likes to steal things, and that is her situation?
SooshiMooshi: then you would have a little problem
Kristy1975: so far i don't like this girl
SooshiMooshi: you dont even know her!
Kristy1975: I know she has a situation
SooshiMooshi: it could be a small situation though
Kristy1975: but that makes it unfun to think that it is no big deal
SooshiMooshi: what if she smelled really bad. oh wait, youve been in the same vicinity as ari so you should be prepared
Kristy1975: yeah, ari liked his tammy perfume way too much
SooshiMooshi: yeah I know, he poured that stuff on
Kristy1975: tru dat homey g funk
Kristy1975: should I talk like that when I meet my roomie
Kristy1975: and tell her I have a situation too, and it is that I am ghetto fabulous?
Kristy1975: so when am I going to shop at urban outfitters visit you?
SooshiMooshi: whenever you want
Kristy1975: does that mean I can just show up randomly, and hopefully you'll be at the airport?
SooshiMooshi: we can go to chocolate factory too
Kristy1975: cheesecake???
SooshiMooshi: that's what i meant
SooshiMooshi: shut up! i once called it spaghetti factory, okay?
SooshiMooshi: they're all factories! i can't take it!
Kristy1975: tammy. count to ten
Kristy1975: oh, you can't. I mean 5
SooshiMooshi: i hate you
Kristy1975: no you don't
SooshiMooshi: it's not nice to make fun of mentally challenged people
Kristy1975: don't kid yourself
Kristy1975: you don't count as a person
SooshiMooshi: i hope your bottom jaw falls off
Kristy1975: that was way harsh
Brought to You By
3:42 PM
Don't you hate it when after you take a serious and long shit, and you're finally relaxed from getting rid of all things unholy that have been curdling inside your digestive system for the past 3 days, only to realize that there is NO TOILET PAPER??
Yeah, I wouldn't know what that's like either.
[Just for the record: Contrary to popular belief, girls *do* poop.]
Brought to You By
3:49 AM
I went to see Schmoopie tonight after work. She got her wisdom teeth out a couple days ago and so I brought her a smoothie - not unlike the one I brought Hips (aww, even more extra bonus friend points for me! *bling*). We ended up watching The Life of David Gale with her parents which was a pretty decent movie. I'm a fan of Kevin Spacey. However, I'm not sure if I'm a big fan of Kate Winslet because I was expecting at any minute for her to go, "I'll never let go, Jack". I was disappointed when she didn't.
I might be getting my wisdom teeth pulled too, but I don't know when. There has been 11 people that I know of who has gotten their widsom teeth pulled within the last 6 weeks. Each person comes with their own horror story too! Stories of infections, bleedings, swelling to sideshow freak proportions... you know, to get me all excited for when it comes my turn!
Did I ever mention that I hated dentists? I hate dentists. I hate the idea that someone is probing the insides of my mouth with these long, sharp, utencils (okay, that is *not* supposed to sound dirty). The feeling is unnerving. I would rather have someone punch me in the face repeatedly than have to go and get my teeth cleaned, because at least when someone is punching me, there's a chance that I'll be knocked out.
When it comes time for me to get my wisdom teeth pulled, you will not find me in a happy state, I tell you. And make sure that there are a lot of drugs in my system. A LOT.
In other news, I've given in to the hype. Harry Potter *is* as good as they say it is. I need the 3-5th books to read now since I am almost done with the 2nd. Anyone want to let me borrow? I promise to take good care of them because I know how you Harry Potter freaks are about keeping your books in perfect mint condition.
My left eye keeps twitching. Everytime it does, I laugh. Because hey, a twitching eye is funny.
*Making fun of a friend who was complaining about how there's too much emotions involved with relationships*
Me: Yeah, I mean, why can't well all just have lots of cheap meaningless sex without any worries or emotions like in Brave New World? Sheesh.
Friend: Is that your porno or something?
Me: ...
Friend: haha
Me: Um... No. It's actually a really famous book.
Brought to You By
2:53 AM
Friday, August 1, 2003
Happy August. Holy crap... it's August.
And before I go to work... Friday Five:
1. What time do you wake up on weekday mornings? For the summer, I usually wake up at around noon or 1. During high school I usually woke up at around 6:40. But I'm not really sure how early I'm gonna have to wake up once college starts.
2. Do you sleep in on the weekends? How late? I sleep in all the time. At the beginning of summer, I was used to going to bed at around 6 or 7 in the morning and not waking up until 2 or 3 in the afternoon. Me like sleep.
3. Aside from waking up, what is the first thing you do in the morning? Check the clock to see what time it is, and then head on into the shower.
4. How long does it take to get ready for your day? Depends. I can get ready in 15 minutes if I wanted to, but since I like to mope around... it usually will take me around 30-40 minutes.
5. When possible, what is your favorite place to go for breakfast? Pancake Pantry, definitely.
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3:51 PM