It's been a fun weekend. My friend Lauren spent the night at my house yesterday. And since neither of us had curfews since our moms were out of town, we vowed to stay out as late as possible. So we met up with a couple of our buddies, drove around, went to a suckass party for the "elite", drove around some more, and ended up going home at midnight because there's nothing to do in Nashville. That's okay though because we were tired. I somehow didn't end up going to bed until 4 in the morning, so I don't really know what happened there. Today, we made pancakes and then went to see a play at TPAC for extra credit. Well, sorta, but we won't go there.
So. I'm gonna be staying at a friend's house this week so feel free to break into our home. I will probably be posting every now and then from her house... Hopefully we won't strangle each other by the time this week is over =) But... I guess we will find out... Woo!
Sunday, September 29, 2002
Brought to You By
8:17 PM
Saturday, September 28, 2002
Today, my mom and I went shopping. She ended up getting me very nice stuff. She spoils me =) Anyway, so mommy is going out of town tomorrow for an entire week. So basically I'm inviting everyone to come break into my apartment and steal everything we have. Enjoy!
I was putting laundry away when we got home and I decided to color-coordinate my closet. And I did... Yes, I am just that big of a dork. But hey, at least my closet is neat!
I used listerine mouthwash tonight after I brushed my teeth and almost cried because that stuff stung so bad. I think I killed my tastebuds. =(
So that was my Friday. Nothing too exciting... I might be spending the night out tomorrow with a good friend though, so all is well. So like um, like, totally have a like, great weekend.
Brought to You By
12:35 AM
Friday, September 27, 2002
My fly was down for two hours today after lunch. No one cared to tell me. But anyway, Friday Five time!
1. What are your favorite ways to relax and unwind? Cuddle up with my big stuffed dog under my comfy blankets and take a long nap while listening to yummy music. I also like to sit around on my fat ass with a big bag of chips and some OJ and watch mindless hours of TV. Or take a long bubble bath with lots of candles. Or swimming.
2. What do you do the moment you get home from work/school/errands? Get on the computer because I am cool like that. Then I usually mope around until it is 10 at night before I start on my homework.
3. What are your favorite aromatherapeutic smells? I like citrusy smells. You know, cause they are citrusy.
4. Do you feel more relaxed with a group of friends or hanging out by yourself? Depends on what mood I'm in, I guess. I like chillin' with friends for the most part, but sometimes I need some me time, you know?
5. What is something that you feel is relaxing but most people don't? Dancing around to bad 80's music. Or staring at my blue christmas lights.
These kitties make me think twice about the cuteness of kitties. *Shudder* Oh, and this little optical illusion is probably one of the best that I've ever seen. I didn't believe it at first, but if you cover all of the other boxes, you will see that it's true. Nifty, indeed.
Brought to You By
5:28 PM
Wednesday, September 25, 2002
I ate my rank today. Lettme explain: Our counselor had finally gotten our class ranks sorted out and all that jazz and everyone had been talking about it all day. After the countless, "What's your rank, Tammy?" I finally decided to go look. Every senior's name and rank was on a small strip of paper, and after a good 5 minutes trying to find my name amongst a heap of shredded paper, I come to find out that it's not that great. I mean, I really shouldn't be complaning because it's not that bad, but I just felt like all the hard work that I had done to try to pull up my grades after I fucked up freshman year was all a waste of time and effort. I *really* wanted to be in the top 10, and I know that makes me sound all high-strung and snobby, and I'm sorry, but I did. I worked my butt off last year to pull up those grades, but freshman year at a private school left permanent damages to my GPA. I wanted to just give up, and quit everything. So out of a moment of frustration, I ate the small strip of paper. I ate my rank.
When I got in the car after school, I had a emotional breakdown. I don't know what happened, but I think I've just been frustrated by school, friends, my mom, life lately and just didn't really realize it. I'm just tired of everything. I want to take a break from it all and go to a deserted island and not worry about anything for a while. That would be ideal, but I'm stuck here. I don't know what I want to do and I don't know if there even *is* anything that I would want to do. And of course, there's my mom constantly nagging me about college, and a career, and what I want to do for the rest of my life, and... AHH. I'm 17, immature, whiney, and goddamnit I want live like a teenager until I'm not a teenager anymore. And my mom is making just a wee bit hard for me to be happy right now. That amongst other things...
Random sidenote: NYU has sent me *a lot* of stuff. I get something from them literally just about every other day. So... is that just me, or is it happening to you too?
I've got to study and maybe that will take my mind off of things for a while... Hopefully I will be in better spirits tomorrow.
And if you were dying to know what my rank really was, I barely made it in the top 20. So, like I said, I really shouldn't be complaining, but you know how it goes...
Brought to You By
8:24 PM
Tuesday, September 24, 2002
It's Tuesday! And you know what that means? The Season primere of Friends, Will and Grace, and ER will be in two days! That's so orgasmically great that I wouldn't even know what to do with myself. Only problem though, CSI will be on at 9 on CBS, which would conflict with my Will and Grace. My mom is obsessed with those police investigation shows, I don't know what it is. I would totally fight my mom for the remote... So... I guess we'll see what happens in two days.
Before I finish my homework, what type of Asian are you, my friend? I must say, that I am quite Fobulous myself. Though I wouldn't say that I am "fluent" in English or Mandarin, but that's really okay. Nor am I a good dancer... So maybe I'm just a Fobabee? I sure do wish that I was a Fobsta though. ^_^
Oh, and SkirtMan creeps me out to no end.
I think I've spoiled you all with incredibly fun absurd links... But that's okay cause you love me, right?
Brought to You By
10:07 PM
Monday, September 23, 2002
Inappropriate usage of an Anatomy term: "Tammy, you keratinize me."
So yeah, I made the most adorable South Park character last night. They should put it on the show... But anyway, it's lots-o-fun. Make one!
Brought to You By
3:51 PM
Sunday, September 22, 2002
I watched the original Japanese version of The Ring this past summer in Taiwan. It was quite possibly the scariest movie I have ever seen... And if you had no clue what was going on, it wouldn't be scary, cause there really wasn't any creepy music or graphics, or anything like that. There were not a lot of special effects and blood and gore. But that movie screws with your mind. It fucked me up for a good week because I would be going to bed and start thinking about it, and I would not be able to sleep. It seriously freaked me out. And there are pleanty of other people who would agree with me. There are two other "Rings" that follow the first to describe the events that happened to lead to what happened in the first Ring. And supposedly, the other two are creepier than the first.
So, the American Dreamworks has decided to do their own little version of the movie... Now, I'm thinking that it's probably gonna suck a whole bunch of ass cause it is going to be Hollywoodized. And the Japanese version was so... not. It was simple, and... not a huge big production. But I'm scared that the US is going to mess up the movie and its meaning. So when people who haven't seen the orginial, see it the American version, they are probably going to think, "Oh, it was okay." And then if they see the original, they will think it blows. But it doesn't! It's good. And scary! I just don't see why they don't release the Japanese one here in the states... I'm just hoping that the American version is good.
But! This little animation here ranks pretty high up with the dancing gay Spiderman. I'm definitely liking it even though I am totally jealous of his mad dancing skills.
And for those of you who like Jay Chou, this is adorable.
I am going to bed soon... and it's not even 10 yet! On a Sunday night! Amazing ^_^ So I guess my 3-day weekend comes to a halt now...
Brought to You By
9:45 PM
Thing I've noticed about me: My hair grows really fast. Now, despite the two inches that were cut off this past summer in Taiwan, it is literally 8 1/2 inches longer since last summer when I cut it to chin length. It has also grow over an inch since I took my senior pictures almost two months ago. Now, if my head would just grow *more* hair, you know, so I don't go bald.
Brought to You By
1:16 AM
I shot a milipede-lookin' bug off my ceiling tonight before I brushed my teeth with a rubber band on my third try. I was proud of me. Granted, I screamed like a 5 year old when it fell on the floor near my feet but that's beside the point...
Brought to You By
1:11 AM
Saturday, September 21, 2002
A friend and I went out tonight. We went to a nearby pizza place and there was a guy with a guitar and microphone (and Heather, no turntables) who sang on the porch. He was really good, so friend and I kept shouting out songs from people for him to play: Red Hot Chili Peppers, Dave, Ben Harper, Tom Petty, John Mayer, U2, Radiohead, etc. She and I vowed to be his groupies but we had to go. We came back to my house and watched Kids, which was a disturbing yet somewhat realistic movie. I liked the way it was done. But. It's definitely not a movie that you'd watch with the parents... unless... you are into that sorta thing. :::Shudders:::
I have watched 4 movies so far this weekend: 40 Days and 40 Nights was terrible... mostly boy humor. Panic Room wasn't all that great, kinda lame. My friend Carla and I realized that we have had a little too much AP English last year when we started analyzing the movie, and trying to pick out all of the ironies, symbols, and all of those good ole elements of figurative language. We are big nerds. Umm... Amelie, like I said in the previous post, was wonderful. And Kids was depessing but pretty good. I still really want the Monster's Inc. DVD... and I'm waiting for Lion King to release theirs. ^_^
Radiohead - Exit Music is a good song. As is Paranoid Android.
I actually have church bright and early tomorrow morning... So I guess that means I should be going off to bed soon... So, until next time... "STAY OFF THE MOLDY CHEESE!!!"
Brought to You By
11:54 PM
Friday, September 20, 2002
Fun on a Friday night...
Seeing stuff like this makes me oh-so-proud to be an American.
Oh, and you can't call it a night unless you have an interesting animation of Sam's kitty...
You see, people in third world countries or perilous countries such as Isreal, are suffering every single day. People have no food, no shelter, no familes. And us lazy Americans have the time and the luxury to make such immature yet amusing little animations on their computers. Sad, isn't it?
Cutest thing I've heard in a long time: My friend Gaby's dog, Freckles, really likes to watch animal movies. We were watching Ace Ventura: Pet Detective on Gaby's fancy flat screen TV, and there was a scene with a small puppy in it. Freckles walks right in front of the TV, barks once, and plops down right in front of it. She watched for about 5 more minutes after the puppy scene before barking again and waddling off. Gaby tells me that Freckles' favorite movie is Homeward Bound.
Oh, and Amelie is a great and beautiful movie. I want to look like the main actress. Anyway, watch it sometime.
Brought to You By
9:56 PM
I actually remembered on time! The Friday Five, baby, yeah!
1. Would you say that you're good at keeping in touch with people? For the most part, yes. But it has to be a two-way thing. If the other person stops keeping in touch, then I tend to also.
2. Which communication method do you usually prefer/use: e-mail, telephone, snail mail, blog comments, or meeting in person? Why? Depends on the person... Sometimes, it's easier and more comfortable talking to someone on the phone. But there are some people that aren't phone people, and I'd rather talk to them online. I like talking to people in person for the most part as long as it's not awkward.
3. Do you have an instant messenger program? How many? Why/why not? How often do you use it? Why, yes, I do. And as many of you would know, I am signed on to AOL *all the time*. I also have AIM, which rocks my socks because AOL is an atrocity..
4. Do most of your close friends live nearby or far away? Both...
5. Are you an "out of sight, out of mind" person, or do you believe that "distance makes the heart grow fonder"? Mmm... I don't know. Depends on the person I guess... I tend to have the "distance makes the heart grow fonder" state of mind... but don't really know anymore.
So I guess that's about it for today... It was fun last night at friend's house, even though we were all really tired. My favorite part though? It's still Friday. =)
"I wish I could swim in an ocean of boobies." - Molly, after watching 40 Days and 40 Nights (which, by the way, was a horrible movie).
Brought to You By
4:39 PM
Wednesday, September 18, 2002
Yay it's almost Thursday! And it is super special because we have a 3-day weekend, which is something that I really really need. It's been a tiring week and I plan on sleeping in everday for all three days. So if anyone calls me before noon and wakes me up, I will unleash all hell.
Just a forewarning: I probably won't be posting tomorrow, I'm going to be spending the night at a friends house. Now that I think about it, I have not done that in a really long time... Hrm... So anyway, hope you all have a dandy Thursday. *Muah*
Brought to You By
8:40 PM
Tuesday, September 17, 2002
Just so everyone knows... I really want the Monsters Inc. DVD. Spoil me? ^_~
I watched Push, Nevada tonight with my mom. It seems pretty interesting, and I liked the first episode. They play good music. Plus, Ben Affleck is the producer/writer/creator of the show, so it's gotta be good, right?
Brought to You By
9:45 PM
Monday, September 16, 2002
I think that those horrible bubbles that you have to fill in for ACT registration is part of God's evil plan to destroy our hand usage. Anyway, I am tired. I think I need to go to sleep soon but I still have to study~ Oh, but my bed... it looks so comfy and... inviting.... *Slowly being drawn in to the bedarific goodness...*
Brought to You By
10:27 PM
Three good songs:
Michelle Branch - Goodbye to You
Etta James - At Last
Our Lady Peace - Right Behind You
Brought to You By
9:21 PM
Sunday, September 15, 2002
Oh my dear God I need a back massage *so* badly. I'll pay you. My sitting position is definitely gonna cause major back problems in the not so distant future. But, if anyone is willing to take up the offer on the massage, call me.
Brought to You By
11:44 PM
From a friend's away message:
"The difference between fiction and reality? Fiction has to make sense."
Now, ain't that the truth...
Brought to You By
2:39 AM
Saturday, September 14, 2002
Wow... This is really disturbing. Oh, and did I mention it's absolutely disgusting?
Brought to You By
11:51 PM
Once again, a late Friday Five...
1. What was/is your favorite subject in school? Why? English has always been a class that I really enjoyed... Which is funny considering the fact that I am *horrible* at writing essays, or... well... writing in general.
2. Who was your favorite teacher? Why? I have a lot of teachers that I really liked, Mrs. Kaplan and Ms. T from 5th and 6th grades, Dr. Hopple and Mrs. Croker from 9th, Mrs. Ripski from 10th, and Ms. Bradshaw from 11th. Overall, I think Bradshaw was my favorite teacher because I learned so much from her last year. Plus, I had her for 3 periods out of 6 every single day.
3. What is your favorite memory of school? Hrm. But there are just *so* many! *Cough* I loved 8th grade, even though I was still at an all-girl school. I'm not really sure why... I think that year the entire grade sorta bonded, and I became friends with almost everyone, and it was a nice feeling. Freshman year, people started going off into their own little groups again, which that was not great. People just starting getting "too cool" for the rest of us. Maybe that's why I left. Junior year was fun too, minus the endless all-nighters and the constant school-work. And... well, this year is not bad so far. Maybe this will be my favorite memory of school.
4. What was your favorite recess game? Chasing boys around the playground (what? That was in like, 2nd grade, I promise!), Prison Ball, Dodge Ball, Line Tag, Gotcha, hockey, Crab-soccer... I love recess. We should have that again. No, we need Nap Time. Lots and lots of nap time.
5. What did you hate most about school? Sometimes the people, sometimes the teachers, a lot of the times the administrators, most the time the schoolwork. And of course I would complain about that cause that's pretty much the only thing that makes school suck. Then again, I hardly ever do work, and if I do I would wait until the last possible minute to start (i.e. starting a 5 page paper at 12 and working on it until 6 Friday morning).
I did absolutely nothing today. I watched about 7 hours straight of the Real World Chicago. And I ate. A lot. Fathead (aka Heather) came over at 9 and we worked on an English assignment that took way longer than necessary. We pretty much just acted silly like we always tend to do. She is fun to be stupid with. I'm still not done with the assignment though. But keep in mind, I am *queen* of procrastination. And you know what? I am gonna get a better grade than you. Biotch!
Then again, probably not because I suck.
Brought to You By
11:42 PM
Friday, September 13, 2002
It's 6:10 in the morning... I just got finished with my essay. It's five pages long and I got the works cited done and everything. School starts in an hour... And I didn't get to study for my calc tests. *Sigh* I would have died by now if it weren't for that nap I took when I got home. Now I'll probably just pass out when I'm *in* school. Goddamnit Tammy, your really need to stop doing this. Well hey, at least it's Friday. Woo!
Brought to You By
6:14 AM
Thursday, September 12, 2002
*Sigh* It's almost midnight, and I haven't even started on my paper. Well, I started, and by that I mean I typed in the header. Yeah, I don't know what's wrong with me.
Brought to You By
11:47 PM
Update on my project: My partner in crime and I finally got to do the presentation today. It turned out pretty well considering the fact that we probably horrified everyone with our amazing singing and dancing skills. The teachers said it was good though, so I am happy. Plus, she said that she liked my posters and will put them up in the room so she can refer to them. I feel special. The paper about the Spanish inqusition is due tomorrow and I haven't necessarily started on it. Guess who's gonna be staying up late again tonight?
I wrote this paper for Chinese school last year about "What Chinese book (or book about the Chinese) has had in influence on you?" I wrote about "They Joy Luck Club" and my mom. I got a letter and award yesterday saying that I won something for it. It's funny cause I can't read what it says on the award since it's in Chinese. But I got 40 bucks and I needed money. Hurrah.
It has felt like Friday ever since yesterday. Before I left school today I kept wanting to say "Have a nice weekend," but tis not! I wish it was though, so I could put off work until Sunday night. I am *so* good at doing that.
I have yet another Calculus test to fail tomorrow. Goodie >_<
Anyway, I better go get started on homework since its almost 10 already. Goddamnit I am screwed.
Brought to You By
9:39 PM
Wednesday, September 11, 2002
In remembrance of this day last year...
I don't really know what to say or how I feel about what had happened... Ryan, here, pretty much sums everything up...
The Remains of a Day and the Numbers both made me realize just how lucky I am to be alive and to be surrounded my my friends and family (well, not so much family in the physical sense...).
I think I am going to Cenntenial Park tonight, maybe I will see some of you there...
Brought to You By
12:38 AM
Tuesday, September 10, 2002
Molly and I ended up not being able to present our oh-so-wonderful project today... ran out of time. Now we will not be able to do it until Thursday, which is a shame because now people will have to wait another two days to be able to experience a fabulous thing.
Me: Damnit, I was looking forward to doing my presentation today...
Friend: Is it crazy like last time's?
Me: Well, I don't know about "crazy", "making a dumbass out of myself", maybe, but probably not "crazy".
Anyway... I tried to do this cardio workout video thing that my mom has, and I realize that I am quite possible the most un-coordinated person in the world. I could keep up with the... actual workout, but not all the fancy shmancy dancey areobic moves that go along with it. I will finally get the steps right, and then they are all, "Okay! Ready to move on..." So I gave up and went to the gym and ran for a while, then I went swimming and fell asleep by the pool. It was a nice little nap.
So I see that Conan reruns are now on Comedy Central, which is wonderful because Conan is hilarious and I never am able to watch him on weeknights. Great line:
"I read today that Baylor University in Texas is building a George W. Bush Presidential Library for their campus. Yeah... see, President Bush will be donating the two books that he's ever read for the library."
I get a free lunch tomorrow. A friend told me that if I help him make a poster for his presentation in Anatomy for Thursday, he will either pay me $5 or lunch at La Paz. And I figure that lunch will be worth more than 5 bucks, especially if I order the most expensive item on the menu...
Guess that's about it all for today, gotta study for a Calc test that I'm going to fail anyway. Life is grand.
Brought to You By
7:28 PM
Monday, September 9, 2002
So I have a project on the Spanish Inquistion due tomorrow for European History. With referrences to Monty Python, and my partner and I singing the Inquisition Song in front of the whole class, this is bound to be an A+ project. If not, she and I would make complete asses out of ourselves, and failed while doing so. *Sigh* Wish me luck...
Brought to You By
11:39 PM
Sunday, September 8, 2002
Whilst talking to a friend on the phone tonight:
He: Yeah, and so she tol... what are you listening to?
Me: *Turns music down* ...Um... Nothing.
He: Oh my God, are you listening to the Mortal Kombat theme song???
Me: NOO I'm not, I promise!!!
I then proceeded to bury my head into a mountain of shame.
The Mortal Kombat theme adds to my list of theme songs that I have a tendency to listen to:
-Mighty Mouse
-Ninja Turtles
-Pepsi (You know, the Britney ones...)
-Spongebob Squarepants
-Speed Racer
-Three Is Company
-Mission: Impossible
-Happy Days
-Ren and Stimpy
-Powerpuff Girls
-Sailor Moon
-Chip n' Dale Rescue Rangers
-Fraggle Rock
-Beverly Hills Cop
-Captain Planet
-Inspector Gadget
-My Little Pony
-Darkwing Duck
-Pink Panther
-Rocko's Modern Life
-South Park
-Mario Bros.
-Pinky and the Brain
-Fresh Prince
-Samurai X
-Power Rangers
Okay. You see, I got this Power Rangers t-shirt in the little boys' section at Goodwill last week, and of course, if I have the shirt, I need the song, right? That is a prefectly legitimate excuse for having this theme. Now, I am really not sure what to say about the others. Maybe a nostalgia for those good old cartoons? Hrm... All I know is that there are way too many songs on that list. I'm not a dork, I swear.
P.S. Are there any more I should add to my list-o-shame? ^_^
Brought to You By
11:18 PM
Guilty pleasure: You know, I really, really like Justin's new song, "Like I Love You". It makes me want to dance. That is a terrifying image. Today, I was at K&S (this international market near my church) and they were playing Coco's "Superman". So I coudln't help but just stand there in the mdidle of the aisle and dance. Then someone walked by, saw me, and gave me a really weird look. I think I will give him nightmares tonight. But like I said, Justin's song is fun ^_^ Dirty line: "You will know the difference when I touch you".
Brought to You By
6:36 PM
I've been working on college applications all night. So I was filling out the part with "Honors, awards, job experience, achievements, extracurricular activities" and so forth, I realized just how much I suck. I had to leave pretty much that entire section blank. =) Anywho, I stumbled upon some interesting things...
California colleges give out wonderful scholarships such as "Jewish orphan studying aeronautical engineering, Grew up on a farm, or child of farmers, Student's ancestors from Pop Yup, China, Blood relative of Mildred L. Muller, General Motors employee, etc... I'm liking this. I ended up applying for 13 different scholarships.
I am filling out the online application for the Texas schools right now, and they made me agree to this statement:
I certify that the information I have provided is complete and correct to the best of my knowledge. I also certify that I have read and understand the 'Important Information about Bacterial Meningitis'. If my application is accepted, I agree to abide by the policies, rules and regulations at any university to which I am admitted. I authorize the university to verify the information I have provided. I further understand that this information will be relied upon by the officials of the university in determining my admission and residence status for tuition purposes and that the submission of false information is grounds for rejection of my application, withdrawal of an offer of acceptance, cancellation of enrollment, and/or disciplinary action. I also authorize the university to electronically access my Texas Academic Skills Program Test results.
I like how we have to certify that I understand Bacteiral Meningitis for a college application.
Just thought that I'd like to share... I'm gonna finish up now cause it's getting late and I have church tomorrow morning. And by morning I mean 2 in the afternoon. ^_^
Brought to You By
12:53 AM
Saturday, September 7, 2002
I wore overalls today. They are super comfy but they are kinda long and drag on the floor. So, I was walking on Hillsboro Pk (a busy, busy road) today to go to a pharmacy to get something and I tripped because they were too long. Thankfully, I did not fall flat on my face, but I could hear at least 3 or 4 people who were driving by laugh. And I was all by myself so I didnt have someone to laugh with at me. A little embarrassing... just a little. But, I probably won't see any of those people in my life again. Then again, it was Hillsboro... And chances are, 1/3 of those people are people I know. *Sigh*
Brought to You By
7:22 PM
Care for some dirty fun? Help Sammy the Sperm! He will say eyebrow-raising phrases such as, "the wetter the better", and "faster, faster, faster". Fun, indeed.
Brought to You By
4:15 PM
Comments are back up... I know you are just *dying* to say something ^_~
Brought to You By
1:12 AM
So it's been a while. And I think I'm feeling better... overall. But that's mainly because I've been keeping myself busy doing stuff and going out. Not sitting and sulking around at home. So I guess that's a good thing. Then again, I could just be avoiding and pushing aside what I don't want to think about and then it's gonna come back one day and hit me really hard. But we'll see if that happens.
I take it as many of you don't really know what went down to cause such unhappy previous posts. And.. well, Boy that I've dated for over a year and a half and I broke up. It was an unexpected thing, but was mutual. Sorta. It was pretty much about college and that whole ordeal. I still love him more than anything though, and I feel kinda, well... rejected. So it's been pretty rough, but... I'm dealing. Like I said, I've been keeping busy to avoid thinking about it. And it's been working pretty well recently. So I guess I'm okay for now. Just hope that I can stay this way...
I went bowling tonight. I have not been bowling in about 3 years. And I used to always refuse to bowl because the last time I did, my fingers got stuck in the holes and it hurt a lot. Plus, I bowled like, a 21. That is an embarassing record low. But tonight I went with 5 other girls who all weren't that great at bowling either, so we all just goofed off a lot and laughed at each other. I also saw a girl who I used to be best friends with in 3rd and 4th grade, and exchanged phone numbers. Most embarassing part of the night: at 10, all of the lights were turned off, and the blacklights were turned on ("Cosmic Bowling"). And at first we thought it looked really neat because all of the white colored clothes were all glowey. Then I looked down at my clothes and quickly became horrified. My bra was undeniably glowing through my shirt. You see, the shirt I was wearing was kinda see-through, but you can't tell under normal lighting. However, once the blacklights were turned on, the white bra was brightly shining through. I ended up borrowing a sweater from my friend, but then I was terribly hot and my armpits were itchy. Nonetheless, I had a good time. It was fun. And I bowled a 93 (which, by the way, was not the lowest score of the night).
Let's see... what other stuff has happened... Oh yeah, we *finally* got our senior lunch back. Oooh yeah. One hour, off campus lunch. Everyday. So of course, we are all going to be doing this for about a week, then we realize that we have become broke and cannot afford to eat out anymore. But we won't think about that as of now. I'm just glad that I have the option of leaving school for an hour and do whatever I want. So. All is well. ^_^
Oh yeah, I almost forgot (like I did last week) the Friday Five:
1. What is your biggest pet peeve? Why? There's a few but I think the biggest one would be stupid people. The kind of people that when they say something, you think, "Why do you ever open your mouth? How are you allowed to speak?" Thankfully, there aren't too many of those people in my classes. I also hate it when people are ignorant and close-minded.
2. What irritating habits do you have? Oh goodness, where would I begin? Let's see... I burp and blow them at people, I bite my fingernails, I drool when I sleep, I take the stickers off of fruit and stick them on my sink, I can be over-sarcastic, I whine a lot, I cry a lot, I eat a lot, I tend to randomly break out into song and dance (either "Baby Got Back" or "Mr. Sandman" or the "Three's Company" theme), and I say "like" and "you know" too much, like, you know? I'm sure there a a million more that people find annoying. Tell me? So I can try unsuccessfully to correct them?
3. Have you tried to change the irritating habits or just let them be? Yes, I've tried. But nothing usually good comes from it. I apologize!
4. What grosses you out more than anything else? Why? There are lots of things people do that gross me out. But some of them are just plain funny, such as farting. People who eat poop are kinda gross. Umm... People who smoke disgusts me. Well, not the people themselves, but just the whole idea of smoking. It's unattrative, unsexy, it smells bad, and it's killing you. Blech. Oh, and I gross me out a lot as well.
5. What one thing can you never see yourself doing that other people do? Hrm... like I said, smoking. Ummm... I'm not really sure what else. I usually would like to try everything once. So... Yeah.
My mom gave me this long lecture when I got home from bowling about how the foods that I eat now will kill me. She gave me this long list of things that I should do to prevent from getting heart disease and all that good stuff. Here are some of the stuff that she told me to do:
*Don't eat fruits that are seedless. No seedless grapes? I'm sorry, but I am too fucking lazy to eat grapes with seeds in them.
*Don't drink pure water, mineral water is better. What the hell? It's WATER.
*For all of your meals, half of it should be cooked, the other hafl should be uncooked.
*Fasting is good for your body, do it once a week. Hell no. I love food too much.
She told me some other ones but I had already zoned out thinking about a peanut butter fudge milkshake from Sonic. Those things are absolutely amazing. I told my mom that life is too short to try to eat non-tasty foods. We're all gonna die someday, so why not enjoy all of the yummy foods in life, right? Plus, I'm acutally exercising now, so it can't be *that* bad.
Someone searched for "penis size rating" and ended up here. Hrm... Don't have much to say about that.
Anyway, I should end this mammoth of a post. I also need to go on to bed because my friend and I are going out to breakfast at 8:15 in the morning. Yay Waffle House!! I will leave you all with the other part of the "I love you Kitty": Singing Kitty #2. This one gives me the willies.
Brought to You By
12:16 AM
Tuesday, September 3, 2002
Song that describes how I am feeling perfectly as of now: Jay Chou - Typhoon. I cried today listening to this... Granted, if you don't know Chinese, you would have no idea what this song is about, and might think it's about the weather. But alas, child! It is not.
Brought to You By
6:03 PM
Sunday, September 1, 2002
Hey... So it's been about a week. And I'm sure you all are just dying to hear from me. However, I do not have anything somewhat-witty or funny to say. Sometimes trying to be funny when you are sad just doesn't seem right, you know? It's been a rough week. I'll be fine one minute and just break down and cry the next. I don't think anyone really knows what to do either, and I don't blame them. I just wish this would all go away. *Sigh*
I leave you all with a joke that a friend told me that made me smile:
What's pink and fluffy?
A pink fluff.
What's blue and fluffy?
A pink fluff holding its breath.
Brought to You By
10:51 PM