OH NO! You know what else I'm gonna miss when I'm gone? My MP3's!!! I was just listening to some Black Eyed Peas when I realized that I won't have any of my MP3's! *Gasp* What do I do what do I do what do I do? Maybe I should sleep...
Monday, May 28, 2001
LEAVING IN 7 HOURS!!!! I think I should get some rest. I hope blogger works in Taiwan. Or else I might go insane.
Brought to You By
12:36 AM
Sunday, May 27, 2001
Hey! I'm leaving in 11 hours. Yeeah. That sucks. So do those fucking assholes who keep sending me porn. GO SCREW YOURSELVES UP THE ASS YA DAMN PERVERTS! >_< Bad language. Bad Tammy. Bad. Anyway. One of my best friend graduated today. Boy graduated last Thursdee. And where does that leave me? I can tell you one thing, and it's not graduating. That's in two more years. Two more loooonnng years. Two. Long. Miserable. Years. Well. Hopefully it won't be that miserable. Only a little crappy. But anywho. Our school has the ugliest cap and gown for the girls. Just thought I'd like to point that out. But for some reason, my friend looked absolutely beautiful. Like always. Do you have any idea how un-cool it is being friends with someone who always look amazing? Sivan is too. Blaaah. That's what I think. At least boy thinks that I am. Don't know whats wrong with him. But it makes me happy. =) I should have stayed out till the wee hours of the morning... even though my mommy wanted me home early. But, I mean, what is she gonna do, right? "You're home late, you can't go back to Taiwan..." "Sweet... I mean... aww that really sucks." I should just spend two months at David's. I could bug the hell out of him. Okay. Enough with being girly. I'm gonna be Cinderella and clean. (Fairygod Mother better come visit me soon...)
Brought to You By
8:56 PM
So. Like I said, I'm putting off packing like a crazy madwoman. But then again, I don't know any crazy madwomen... let alone, one that packs. Annnyway. I have a bunch of summer reading books. About 6. And they're nice and long. I guess I have something to do on the plane now. I can't even begin to describe how much I am going to miss people in the about 2 months I am gone. I'll be missing a lot. And I don't want to miss that lot. I just want to stay here with my friends, and boy, and just... sit around and be lazy here. And it has been absolutely gorgeous these past few days. So why leave now to some place that is insect infested, humid, hot like hell, completely polluted, overpopulated, stinky like feet, and disgusting? The more I think about it, the more I get upset that I'm leaving. I really hope I still manage to have a good time while I'm there. At least I'll be with cool cousin. And the two annoying devil-like ones aren't gonna be there. And at least there will be some good food and good shopping. I'm gonna come back as a morbidly obese, broke, extremely tanned, bug-bitten girl that no one will be able to recognize... or even want to recognize for that matter. I'm gonna attempt finishing packing while listening to Queen. Let another one go, let another one go... Another one bites the dust... Queen rules! *Breakin' it down*
Brought to You By
12:52 AM
Saturday, May 26, 2001
Yay. I love blog*spot. It's back! Anyway. These past few days have been pretty fun. Spent lot-o-time with boy. Trying to get all the time I can before I leave... in... about... 40 hours. *Whine* Sharon is over right now, and she's writing me something. She says "hi". Don't know who she's saying "hi" to, but she is anyhow. I'm putting off packing right now. I need to cause I don't want to do it tomorrow, but I hate packing. Wah. I'm leaving now.
Brought to You By
3:44 PM
Wednesday, May 23, 2001
So uh. Turns out. I didn't bomb the Chemistry exam. I acutally did a whole lot better than I expected. I managed to pull off an A. 10 extra credit points saved my life. I shall cherish them forever. English was stupid. I don't care about that class. Even though I did stay up till 3 last night working on that wretched paper. But you know what? NO MORE FINNEY! I won't have to deal with that lame-excuse-for-a-human-being woman ever again. But anyway... school is FINALLY over. I'm free! Well... until August 16th anyway. Screw that. I'm gonna party.
Brought to You By
10:48 PM
LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!!! Time to do the booty dance in the office. *Booty dancing* That's all. Goodbye.
Brought to You By
9:18 AM
Tuesday, May 22, 2001
Okay enough with the head bang on walls deal. I think I've just lost enough brain cells to fail my next two exams. And failing three exam is not for the faint of heart of mothers. Especially mine. Hopefully I won't fail my PE exam. I'd be really stupid if I did that. Because coach gave us a review sheet, and our test basically IS the review sheet... and he's letting us use the review sheet during the exam. And you know what I just realized? This is the exact same review sheet that he gave us for last semester's exam. Hrm. That wasn't too smart. At least I know I won't fail this one... So yeah. I'm supposed to write a 7 paragraph essay comparing and contrasting the book and the characthers from A Man for All Seasons and Antigone. I didn't even read the first book. Which wasn't a good idea because we'll need 20 quotes on the essay. Screw it. I hate that class. I don't give a damn. I need a 8 to pass the semester. And I'll need a 72 to get an A. So English can bite me. I'm gonna make a 9. =)
Brought to You By
6:19 PM
Woo! Guess what I so totally completely bombed today? The Chem exam. One of my friends told me that it was so ridiculously easy... but its so ridiculously not. It might be that I'm stupid. Or maybe my friend's on crack. Whatever the case. I think I failed. Miserably. The multiple choice wasn't all that bad... but I was seriously about to cry when I reached the math problems. They weren't even that hard. I just forgot how to do them. Why why why why why? I'm gonna go bang my head against the wall now.
Brought to You By
5:27 PM
Monday, May 21, 2001
I'm studing for my Chemisty exam right now. Well not right now because right now I'm busy talking to myself. So in the middle of when I was studying, I got really thirsty. And of course, we have absolutely nothing to drink in our house. I really really wanted some orange juice... and instead of our usual huge gallon of it, we had none. All we had was water. And then I thought, hey! Why not make a nice ice cold cup of lemonade since I have the mix? So I mixed it all up when then I realized that we had no ice. Well, we do have ice, but something went wrong in the process of making it, because it tastes like baking powder/ salt. And lettme tell ya, salty, baking powdery lemonade is not really that good. And neither is warm lemonade. So I had to pour it down the drain. Along with 5 minutes of my precious studying time. So then I found a bottle of Nantucket Nectars... "juice cocktail". It was really good, and it was cold. So I finished it off. And of course, after I drank it all, is when I realized the expiration date is for April 20th. Tonight just has not been the greatest night. All I wanted was some orange juice! Or anything cold as long as it won't kill me! Well then again, if it does kill me, that means I won't have to take anymore exams! C'mon Nantucket. Work with me now... Acutally. It probably won't affect me until after exams. "The world never seems to end before your paper's due..." Trudat.
Brought to You By
8:29 PM
Exams SUCK! And it's only the first day. I am so fucking sick of filling in those damn bubbles. Oops. I said fucking. You'll have to excuse my language... it acts up sometimes. Arrr. Anyway, at least two of my exams are done and over with. And they turned out easier than I expected. Yay to that. I think it is a really bad idea that crazy teacher is making us write a 7 paragraph essay for the English exam. She's not gonna have enough time to read about 100 essays in a day and a half. What a dumbass. Wait no. That's me. And I just loooooove to procrastinate. Yeah!
Brought to You By
11:36 AM
Saturday, May 19, 2001
Um... just to clear things up a bit for my little post marathon I had down there. That's what happens when I think. It makes me sound like a depressed self-loathing maniac. Which I'm not. I'm not depressed, or suicidal, or anything like that. Those are just some of my thoughts. Forgeef me?
Brought to You By
12:12 AM
Friday, May 18, 2001
Okay. So I'm back from my poolside meditation. And I don't think thoughts like the ones I was thinknig about are exactly "healthy". But I don't know. Have you ever realized how incredibly much people can affect you? Just think of one person, doesn't have to be one of you close people... but someone you know decently well. Now, imagine how different your life would be without that person... the talks and thoughts you two shared, everything. Gone. And I thought about the people in my life... and I can even begin to describe my love for them all. Unconditional, maybe? The only thing I can hope for is that they feel the same way back.
So I was sitting there, and I was looking across to the other apartments, and I saw a little dog that was pawing at the window. It looked trapped. And the apartment seemed to get smaller. I think that how I feel right about now. Trapped. Not in a relationship or anything like that. But trapped within myself, my self-conscienceness, my own mind. Sometimes I feel like I'm living this... big... lie. No.. not like. Hey, I actually have a penis. But more like, I'm... not... myself. Well... I am. But the person that most people see, is only 1/10 of the person I really am. That makes me sound like I'm schizophrenic, and no, as much as I would love to have 5 of me... no. It's more like... I have a really difficult time telling people what I'm going through, and what I'm thinking, and what I'm feeling. So I tend to cover the sadness, the lonliness, whatever, up by acting silly, and funny, and happy. And yeah. I am a generally happy person, but when I have moments like these, I question that. It seems that I have all these... feelings suppressed inside of me, and I don't know how to get them out. Even with my best friends, I have a hard time saying exactly how I feel.
Then I thought of something that I haven't even considered since 7th grade. What if i ceased to exist? What would happen if I just climb over these rails and fall? I have nothing to lose. Wait. I have everything to lose. I realized that suicide is just... not the way to go. It's just an easy way out. As much as I like for things to be easy and simple. I'd much rather my life be complicated. And besides, suicide is the just about the most selfish thing anyone could do. And I'm not a selfish person. But it also made me think of what will happen when I die? Heaven or Hell? Which made me question my own faith in God. I was broght up in a Christian, and I guess I've always considered myself one. But after my dad died (summer before 7th grade), I wondered why someone would create a world full of suffering and pain. I don't know if my views on that have changed... but anyway, so I was staring at the pool. I thought of everyone as one tiny little ripple in the pool, while the pool itself is God/the World. And the ripples (us) come and go... dissappear as soon as they appear, but in the end, they are all part of the same thing. And without them, the pool would be... lifeless. Okay yeah bad analogy. But that's what I was thinking of. And I think I've done enough of that tonight. I'm going to go satisfy my fries-craving now.
Brought to You By
10:04 PM
It's 8:21 right now. Friday Night. And I'm here. Not out there. But here. The reason why I'm here is mainly due to "exam study time". But knowing me, I'm not gonna even touch my books till Sunday night. Our 10th grade guidance counselor came and talked to our English class today about next year. And then it finally sunk in. How much my Junior year is gonna suck arse. I don't think I'm gonna have a life at all next year... not that I have one this year... but with my two b/f's gone... it'll be a lot easier to uh. Not have a life. Yeah. I'm gonna be taking 4 APs. Good idea? I didn't think so. I'll probably either slack off and procratinate like crazy, or i'll push myself too hard and will drive myself insane. I think I should settle with a happy medium. I'm bored. And my stomach is doing that thing it does when I get nervous. Like before a huge test that I haven't studied for, or before a big party, or before David picks me up. Except. I don't have a huge test, there is no big party, and David isn't picking me up. So I don't know what my stomach is doing. I also think I'm having a massive brain fart. Must be my amnesia acting up again. No, it's not that. Maybe I'm just confused. And I'm confused about what I'm confused about. Cause I don't know. It's probably about nothing. Maybe it's about everything.
Brought to You By
8:40 PM
Today is the last day that I'll be in the office with Esther and Griffin. Dude! I'm gonna miss all our little "sex talks". And Griffin's loooove advice. I don't even know why I'm here... we have done absolutely nothing today... or yesterday... or the entire past week for that matter. Esther is talking on the phone with either her dad/mom or Ken. Right now, Griffin, Ali, and I are talking about Howard Stern. And how he is the producer of Sun of the Beach. Which is just an hour of perverted sex puns. But hey! I'm all about the puns. Yesterday, Ali and I were talking about pickup lines. Then Shiwon said, "Tammy's always on my mind..." Then Ali goes, "Tammy's always on my fa... wait. Nevermind." =) Then in PE, we took two bottle caps and pretended they were our nipples... and took pictures. Then I threw them at one of my friend's butt and told her that I was bustin' a cap in her ass. Yeah okay see what doing nothing does to me? *Sigh*
Brought to You By
11:29 AM
Thursday, May 17, 2001
Okay. So I'm in my Algebra class right now. This is supposed to be exam review week... yeah right. The only thing I've been reviewing are my mad card-playing skills. My teacher's keyboard's space bar doesn't work that well... so I have to slam down on it really hard. CMT is on. Country music is terrible! Agh. Andrew says "hi".
Brought to You By
1:37 PM
Wednesday, May 16, 2001
=) That was you-know-who. It's only today. It needs to be next Wednesday at 10:30. That's when exams are over. Maybe I should just not come to school on my English exam day... and so my teacher will give me my semester average for the exam grade like she did last semester. (I had to miss last semester because of snow days... and I was in Taiwan when they had exam make-up days.) But. If it was next Wednesday, that means I'll be leaving in 5 days. And thats no good. So maybe it's a good thing that today is today. DC was great tonight... Andy comes back... and Pacey skips out on graduation day and leaves to go to the Caribbeans. Oh yeah. David came over tonight too... as you can tell. And I wasn't asleep poopy. Wait. Yah I was. Kinda. Blahh.
I've been downloading a bunch of Dave's unreleased stuff... the Lilywhite Sessions. It's fabulous. I'm listening to it right now. As usual. You know what another good song is? Foo Fighters - Walking After You. Mmm... yummy music. Wait no. Not yummy.
I want to go swimming. But I'm too lazy to walk to the other pool. So I'm not going swimming. My third hair dryer broke this morning. Stupid stupid stupid. Why are they doing that to me? I'll turn it off for 2 seconds, and when I turn it back on, nothing happens. Argh.
If I had some eggs... I'd have some eggs and ham... if I had some ham. Heh. I'm weird. And my leg itches. Go away itchies. Wah.
I was looking through some notes that Esther wrote me from the beginning of the year... they're funny. That was when we were in the realm of singledom. And we talked about how much we wanted boyfriends. Then we talked about boys we've liked before. (Bad. Bad. Choices.) Then I saw a list we made of boys that liked her, and a list of boys that liked me. She had 12 or so... and guess how many I had... one. Well one and a half, if you include stalkerboy. But you know what? One is all I need. =) All I want anyway... So screw Esther and her 12 (figuratively speaking of course...). I like my one.
Brought to You By
9:55 PM
Monday, May 14, 2001
Oh-my-God-I-am-so-bored. I want to bang my head against the wall just to keep me busy. So. You know what I've realized today? That my love for art is slowly diminishing. I have no idea why I started thinking about this. But I did. Maybe it was due to my poorly done painting in art that's supposedly "finished". You see, I (used to?) absolutely adore art. I would skip lunch to do art. (C'mon! It's lunch!) Well... that's how it was last year, that is. This year, I have no desire, much less motivation to pick up a paintbrush and paint what would usually be an easy assignment. Maybe it's the teacher. She's a nice woman... just incredibly lazy. Guess it rubs off on me. So I don't think I've painted one decent thing all year long in school. So anyway. I was looking at my painting of what is supposedly a picture of Panama City Beach, and I thought, I could do so much better than this. (That wasn't a brag. My painting is terrible... anyone could do much better.) But the thing was... I didn't care. Like, last year, I probably would have gessoed over it and painted a completely different picture, but this time, I really coudn't give a damn. I half-assed my way through the painting, longing for it to be finished soon so I can just sit there in class and stare at walls. Wait. What was the point of this blog again? Oh yeah. So. Which brings me to another point. Art is the only thing that I've ever been okay at. And that's all I've ever wanted to do in college. But now. I'm not sure if that's what I want to do. Even if I did choose to go down that path... might as well take a cardboard box and live on the street... because that's what I'll be doing. And no, I don't want to do graphic art, or architecture, or design, or any of that jazz. I want to do plain ole simple paintings. So. If I can't do art. Then I don't know how to do anything else... I don't know if I even want to do anything else, but even if I did, it's not like I'll know how to do it anyway. I'm stupid. One of my friends told me that I should do whatever I want to do. I told him I wanted to stay home, eat ice cream, sleep, and get morbidly fat. Yes. That is what I want to do. *Sigh* I complain far too much for someone whos only been alive for 16 years. And, what is really messing me up right now is that I'm sitting here admitting that I basically, have no life, having these stupid insecure problems, and of course, talking to myself.
Brought to You By
9:58 PM
Ever notice how silly most lyrics sound when they're not sung? For example, take one of your favorite songs, then write it out, then say it outloud in a monotone voice. Kinda reminds me of the show, "Name that Video" on VH1. If you've seen the show, you'll know what I mean. Tori Amos' lyrics don't make too much sense to me. Maybe it's because I don't understand things easily. I'm not good at reading between the lines... or picking up on hints... or anything. I'd much rather someone carry around a neon sign, telling me exactly what they're trying to say... instead of beating around the bush or something. Okay. Too many cliches in one paragraph.
Anyway. Exams are next week. They should burn in hell. I don't want to study. It is absolute torture that we have finals a few days before summer vacation. It's pure depravity! My English teacher did the coolest thing that she has done all year. She is a horrible person. But she did something so incredibly awesome. We were supposed to have a test on the book we are reading tomorrow... and instead of cancelling the test... she's keeping it... but giving us all 100's. So I. Am thoroughly happy.
My cough isn't going away. Shoo cough. Don't bother me.
Brought to You By
7:52 PM
Woo! Yay. Blogger isn't sick anymore. Hurray! Anyway. I've been acting crazy today. I think it was the ice cream we made in Chemistry. I think my friend put drugs in hers. But I started singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star like a broken record, and trying to look sexy while licking a lollypop, blowing on it and saying that I was giving it a blowjob... and stuff like that. It was fun.
4 more days of school, 3 days of exams... then I'm outta here. Kinda.
I really don't want to go back to Taiwan this summer. It's gonna be unbelievable hot, buggy, gross, humid, yuck there. And that's not even the worst part. Sivan, Esther, OR David aren't gonna be there. Three of the most important people in my life. So how am I gonna have fun? Ahhh. I'm going crazy! Canned ravioli isn't that good.
Best Question of the Day:
"Where do you stay at when you're in Taiwan?"
"At my grandmother's house."
"Oh. Is she one of those old Chinese women?"
"Um... well she's old. And she's Chinese. And she's a woman. Guess that makes her one of those old Chinese women..."
Brought to You By
5:39 PM
Sunday, May 13, 2001
Oh yeah... you might want to click here to go back to "the Ghetto". Oh God... OR. You can just click on "home" on your left.
Brought to You By
1:13 AM
Can't go to sleep. One of those nights again. Maybe cause I'm all coughy grossy. Or maybe I'm just thinking about stuff. It might be that I just washed my face. But whatever the case. I can't get to bed. At least church doesn't start till 12 tomorrow. Yeeeah. Lunch time!
Brought to You By
1:09 AM
Is it possible to cough so much that you feel like you're gonna cough out your insides? That's how I feel right about now. The coughin's making my stummy hurt. Anyway. Tomorrow's Mommy's Day. I already gave her the present. When I went shopping to get it, I saw it and thought, "Hey! That's a cute purse... I hope my mom will hate it and will give it back to me." But unfortunately, she liked it.
Moon Muck is fun. It's that slimy gakky stuff you can get at the Discovery Channel Store. It smells bad. But at least it glows in the dark. Plus. It makes farty noises when you put it back in the container. *Sigh* I really need to find something better to do with my life. I think I made David sad tonight... Why am I even doing this? Blogger isn't even working. Stupid blogger. I feel like I'm going to pass out. Or regurgitate body organs. Whatever. Same difference.
"Mmm... these KitKat bites are good. They should make other chocolate candy bars into bitesize."
"Yeah, I know..."
"... like M&Ms."
"Uh... M&Ms are bitesized, genius."
"Oh yeah."
Brought to You By
1:02 AM
Saturday, May 12, 2001
Thursday, May 10, 2001
I do this too much. I'm currently at Esther's house right now. Kinda hiding out. They're having this... graduation party thing... but. I'm not graduating. Yeah. She and I had this ice cube fight so I ran down to her basement to get away from her. And I thought, while I'm down here. Why not blog? I'm such a dork. I'm also paranoid that she's gonna come down any second now with a bucket of ice cubes. And I can't go anywhere either. So. Maybe the basement isn't such a good hideaway after all. I ate too much. Bleh... and now I don't feel good at all. I shouldn't have eaten so much. On the way here, I kept having the feeling like I was going to burp... but couldn't. So its sorta in my system and it can't get out. So I feel like I need to hurl. Hopefully if I do, it will be on what's-her-face if she tries to get me. Heh. I like her keyboard. It clicks really loud. I like the noise it makes. Yay for clicky keyboard. But I keep typing wrong cause I'm not used to it. I have one of those split keyboards at home... Haha. Esther is screaming for me. =) Waaah. I'm tired now... I want to go home. I think we are soon too. I hope so. I need some sleep. I went to bed late... like... almost 2 or something. Time for me to run away now. *Runs away*
Brought to You By
8:39 PM
Ali and I had a pretty dandy PE class today. We got to go late because there was some freshman/sophomore assembly that we skipped... So we stayed in the office and started talking about the seven degrees of Kevin Bacon. (For those of you who don't know what that is... there's a theory called seven degrees of separation... which is basically through 6 other people, you can link yourself to anyone in then entire world. Like, I know 6 people who knows 6 people each... and so on... And the 7 degrees of Kevin Bacon is where you take any actor or actress and within 7 movies, can link somehow to Kevin Bacon.) So anyway, we were playing that and we did Kevin Spacey. Took me about 30 minutes to figure that one out. But I'm so proud of myself. God, I'm a dork. But here it is: Kevin Spacey was in Se7vn with Gwenith Paltrow, who was in Bounce with Ben Affleck, who was in Good Will Hunting with Minnie Driver, who was in Sleepers, with.... Kevin Bacon! Yay! Then we played a game where you start with the whole name of a famous person, take the last letter of the last name, and have to think of another famous person whos first names begins witht that letter. (i.e. Scott Weiland, Dave Matthews, Sarah Mclachlan, Nelly, Yanni...) But we finally had to exclude names that ended in N, Y, and O. Then we just ran of people. *Sigh* We have a little too much time on our hands. Just a little. I've been listening to a lot of Dave Matthews lately. A lot as in that's all I listen too from the minute I wake up to when I leave for school and from when I come home to when I go to bed and beyond! Uh. Yeah. So. I love Dave. And if you don't then you have a crap taste in music... Well.. no.. but Dave rules. Theres this one song, Say Goodbye, that always makes me sad. I guess the title speaks for itself. It a beautimus song. But every time I hear it, I just think about stuff... and stuff. If you haven't heard the song. Get it. Read the lyrics. Love it forever. Marry it. Wait, no. Just read the lyrics... then you'll know what I mean. I asked my friend, Lacey, if I could borrow her Live at Redrocks CD (the only one I don't have) so I can burn it... and when she went home, her mom had that same cd and told her that one of her friends gave it to her... Creepy huh? So i have the real cd. Not burned. Go Dave go!
Brought to You By
3:16 PM
Lunch time again. I think I should explain why theres a compooter around during lunch time. I eat in the 12th grade office with Esther because she is an office worker here. (Actually... it is called career preparation. But its really just... sitting around and staring at walls, answering phone calls once in a while.) But. I stay here... to keep her company. Ali comes in here most the time too. So we. Chill. Yeah. =) Heh. We were just talking about hot and sexy cartoon characters. Griffin (another office worker) said that one of his friends thought that Mr. Clean is hot. And Ali said... he's hot?? He's a cartoon character! I told her that cartoon characters can be really sexy! I think that Trent from Daria is one sexy mofo. And so is Aladdin. Then Griffin said that people say he looks like Aladdin (which he DOESN'T). And then hes like... "Okay... Johnny Quest." The resemblence is uncanny. Heh. I think it would be funnier if you were here. Esther is eating cornuts beside me and is spewing crumbs on me. Ew gross. They smell like a yucky. >_< Go away. There. La la la. I really wish that today was Friday. But it's only Thursday. Stupid Thursday. I stayed up late last night. So. I'm tired. *Yawn* I think I shall go roam around now. Buh-bye~
Brought to You By
11:34 AM
Wednesday, May 9, 2001
So. I'm posting again about 12 hours later. DC was great. Got me teared up for awhile there. It was just so... emotional! Anyway, enough of cheesefest. I still need to do Chemistry and Algebra II homework. Today we were supposed to have a free day in Algebra, because all the other classes had a whole bunch of people missing due to AP English exams. But. Our class was only missing like, 2 or 3 people... so our teacher was actually gonna make us do work. So. She was going over the homework which probably only 1/7 of us did... and she was asking us for the answers... which... we did not have. Then she asked me one. And I told her that I didn't have mine... which is supposed to be a rarity or something because I always do my homework, and I have one of the highest averages in that class. (That sounds like I'm bragging... which I hate to do... but that class is a joke... Everyone can easily ace it, I just acutally do the work.) So everyone was all... "Ohmygod! Taaammmy??? Didn't do her homework??? What has the world come to?? FREE DAY!" So. We had a free day today. *Bows* Hah. My eyes are tired. But I'm not tired. I ate too much for dinner. And I'm supposed to be on a diet. Argh screw that. I think I am going to go look at my pool now. (We have a pool in our apartment complex, and you can see it from my window... and I claim it as mine because no one actually uses it except for me... everyone else just lays out and get skin cancer. Damn Whities.) Have fun!
Brought to You By
11:40 PM
Hi. I'm at school. It's lunch time. Party! Woo! So anyway. Esther is right here next to me. Say hi Esther. "Hi." There we go. So.... Uh... school sucks. There were 6 people missing in my Spanish class today. That doesn't sound like much... but it is when theres only like, 9 people in my class to begin with. So. Three people. Free day. I like choppy sentences. Today is Wednesday. Wednesday = DC night. Best show ever! And... theres gonna be three more episodes till the big finale. GO DC!!! Also, Wednesday = sneak-David-over-because-mom-won't-be-home-day. Yay! Well. I have class now. Bleh. PE can suck my butt.
Brought to You By
11:31 AM
Tuesday, May 8, 2001
I had to go to Tatum's house today. It was oh-so-fun. (Tatum is this little 5 year old girl I tutor Chinese for. Yes. I'm Chinese.) She's really cute and sweet, but also, keep in mind. She's five. Oh wait. No. She turned 6 today. But anywho, I don't understand how people can like little kids. I mean, unless they were merely harmless masochists... but seriously. Kids = Evil. Sure they look all nice and you want to go pet them, but oooh no. No no no. Think of a raging bull plus a hungry sumo wrestler with some stubborn mule and a sprinkle of insane maniac packed together in a 45 pound tantrum throwing, restless little body. Tatum's not always bad. But that's just what I think of all little kids. Grr~~ Anyway... it was her b-day today. She got a gynormous amount of presents. And. Alison Krauss was there... (for those of you who don't know who she is... she's a really good singer... and has an awesome voice~ she's won a few of those grammy things too. Tatum's mom and she are buds.) So yeah... Tatum had a nice big pile-o-presents. We all had cake and ice cream. I must say it was one of the best birthday parties I've been to in a while... (Shows how much I get out.) Why can't parties be like that now. It seems as though that now, no one can have fun unless there is alcohol or weed. C'mon. That's pathetic. We should all bust out the ballons and party hats and play pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey. That's what I call fun =) I wish I was still a little kid. And I wish that famous people would come to my party. >_< Hurray for birthday parties!
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9:26 PM
Monday, May 7, 2001
My nails are growing out. Which I'm still not used to cause I usually bite them all off before they get a chance to grow and prosper. Now they feel funny. And I'm having trouble typing. So anyway. School has been absolute hell. Not hell as in oh-my-god-I-have-so-much-to-do-how-am-I-gonna-get-it-all-done kind of hell... More like, I-have-an-asinine-heious-imbecile-for-a-teacher-why-is-she-alive-and-breathing kind of hell. I got to have her for an extra hour today. Woo hoo! Stupid block scheduling. So yeah. Two hours. With crazy bitch teacher person (as what my friend, Erin would refer to her as... "Insane Old Woman"). She screams at us to be quiet when no one is talking. She gives balls-hard (I got that word from David. It makes me laugh) questions to which she doesn't even know the answers to. I can't really explain how much crap she gives us unless you were one of her students. She needs to think with her head and not out of her ass. My friend and I agreed that what she needs is a man. Ew. Yuck. Gross. But it's so true. As much as I hate to have disgusting vivid mental images of Ms. Finney with a man... it's what she needs. Either that or she needs to take out whatever it is that crawled up her ass and died. I also had a spanish test today. I thought I was going to cry because it was so hard. Her tests usually are pretty easy... but not this one apparently. Argh. Exams. Coming. Up. Shoot. Me. Now. Grr.
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5:21 PM
Sunday, May 6, 2001
*Random Thoughts* One of my really close friends, Sharon came over the other day... and we just talked about stuff. Stuff that girls talk about. And it got me thinking. Why did I have to be come such good friends with seniors? My best friend is a senior, Sharon's a senior, and my boyfriend's senior. So yeah... they're all leafing my pathetic little sophomore self here. And I'm sad. =( <---- Sad face. So. Do long distance relationships really work? Hrm. Good question. It's not that I'm afraid that he's gonna cheat on me... and I really hope not. And I know for sure that I would never ever cheat on him. But. The main thing that I'm afraid of is that I will miss him too much, and the fact that he's not gonna be here when I need him. To make matters oh-so-much better... I. Will be gone for 2/3 of the entire summer. Yay. And. If David (that's the boyfriend) is leaving earlier for college, I probably won't be able to see him at all during summer. So. Isn't that just dandy? I love this guy. Corny as it may sound, I'm afraid it just might be true. I've never actually... been in love... so I don't dont know what it's like. Hrm. So. Guess I'll have to get back to you about the long-distance thing. Too bad I'm not A-sexual. I think too much. But that happened a while back. So its 12:40 in the morning. And. I. Am. Tired. Hurray. For. Choppy. Sentences. Anyway... today was pretty fun... got to hang out with what's-his-face all day/night. Twas fun. We saw the Emperor's New Groove last night... it is one of the funniest Disney movies I have ever seen. It wasn't like the typical Disney movie... but it was great nonetheless. And tonight... we went out to eat with my mom. She is the biggest dork on the face of this earth. But I love her... she buys me food. I mean... yeah. ^_~ So. I cried tonight. Mixed emotions I guess. He asked me about what my dad was like (he passed away the summer before 7th grade). And when I thought of that I got sad. Then he told me he loved me. So I got sadder when I thought about how he was leaving soon. But I was happy to be with him. Ahh. This is what he does to me. Go crazy. And make me feel all funny. And make me think of him ALL the friken time. *Sigh* Plus, I'm scared. Of losing him. He's gonna be leading a new life with new people in a new environment. New people = New girl = New interest = No more me. Hence. Me = Scared. I guess I shouldn't really think about all of that right now... and just sorta enjoy the time we have left together. I keep telling myself that... but I can't help it! Stupid boys. Look what they do to me. >_< Anyway. Sorry about the massive blog. I get carried away sometimes. =)
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12:37 AM