Tuesday, December 30, 2003

I moved.

My room rocks. I have my own TV.

But I miss my old room already and I'm suffering through separation anxiety right now.

Molly helped me pack a whole lot. And boy do we have a story for you guys. Just stay tuned. It will be posted up shortly.

Sunday, December 28, 2003

I just spent the last hour fishing and digging out weeds.

In a video game.

I have a life, I promise. [I love you Animal Crossing.]

Anyway, I packed tonight. With much help from Carly, Lindsey, Emma, and Hips. Thanks guys. I really appreciated you throwing all my stuff on the floor and then laughing because you knew that I had to pick it all back up. Oh, and fake boobs are totally awesome.

So Molly and Carly discovered the fake boobs that my mom gave me as a joke. Aren't they cute?Molly tried them on. And left them on. For 2 hours. And I am proud to say that I got to touch the wonder that is Molly's breast.Lindsey is squeezing the boob and using it as a stress reliever.Emma is striking a pose on my bed because she's sexy...... Really, really sexy?Schmoopie!!!Lindsey was eating the Halloween candy that I gave her. From two years ago.Emma's got the biggest butt. Ever. I mean, look at it.It's so big that Lindsey could use it as a seat.

So yeah, that was a fun and exciting night. I am going back to my packing now. I'm going to the Boy's house tomorrow to watch the Titan's game in hopes that they won't suck. G'night, friends.

Saturday, December 27, 2003

I know that it's not Christmas anymore. But there is just one more thing that I really want, but unfortunately forgot to ask for.

A Sweet Smelling Sweater Salad.

I don't care which one you get me. Any of them will do, really.

And while you're at it, can you get me some gold spandex as well? Thanks.

[Thanks, Davezilla.]

Friday, December 26, 2003

I have sea monkeys.

Contrary to popular belief, sea monkeys are not as cute as they draw them out to be. It's kind of disappointing, really.

Now, if I kill off these things, then I know for sure that I shouldn't get a hamster next semester.

I love you, sea monkeys. Please don't die.

[Edit: I took the pictures down. You don't have to cringe when you come here now. You are very welcome.]

Anyway, I hope you all had a great Christmas and that you guys got everything you wished for and more. I know I did. I got my gamecube and now my life is complete. If I don't talk to you for awhile, you know why.

Hips and I went to Ruby Tuesdays on Christmas Eve for some breakfast lunch. We ate a very large meal. And then we decided to get a very large dessert to top it off. Yum!

RT does have the best tallcakes. Notice that I put a pepper shaker on the side for size comparison.There she goes. Eating that whole thing by her big self. (Just kidding, I helped.)Seeing this after we finished made us really wish that we hadn't eaten that much.

[For more accurate proportions, go : here and here.]

Friday Frizzle

1. What was your biggest accomplishment this year? Not failing this past semester.

2. What was your biggest disappointment? When I found out that fuzzy wuzzy wasn't very fuzzy wuzzy was he?

3. What do you hope the new year brings? Cookies!!! I hope it rains cookies!

4. Will you be making any New Year's resolutions? If yes, what will they be? Not to fail next semester.

5. What are your plans for New Year's Eve? Going out. Drinking lots. Getting naked. Wait no, just kidding. I don't know yet. Why? What are you doing for New Year's Eve, huh?

Thursday, December 25, 2003

Have a good one, y'all. Be good. Eat lots. Just don't eat your presents.

Wednesday, December 24, 2003

There is absolutely no food in this apartment.

Wait, scratch that. There is stuff to eat. But then again, I don't know if you would actually call this stuff... "Food".

Mmm... Coconut milk and Ensure.Fruits Milk Powder? What?Slimfast granola! Yum!Why are the flaming hot cheetos in the fridge?

This really can't be good seeing how I think I have an eating disorder. You know, the one where you can't stop eating anything and everything in sight. Even those flaming cheetos are beginning to look kind of good though I could have sworn that they have been in there since summer. God, you people really are gonna have to start rolling me everywhere. Or you can just take after Kevin~

ll CHOW ll: i'm gonna have to call you tammytammy because there's gonna be two of you...

Anyway, I should go pack. Why, might you ask? Well, I'll tell you. Because I'm moving to Brentwood. So that means that I've got to get everything out of this apartment by the end of this month. And so far all I've got packed are the clothes that I brought back from Austin that I just haven't unpacked yet. Actually, they aren't even really in the suitcase anymore. My clothes are kinda just scattered everywhere on my floor.

Clothes! Everywhere!

I'm royally screwed, huh?

But hey, at least my blue Christmas lights are pretty! Oh so pretty!


Oh, and Merry Christmas Eve, kids.

Monday, December 22, 2003

Yay for being back at home! I got in on Friday night but I have yet to sleep in my own bed. Damn you people for making me spend the night with you! *Shakes fist* (And by you people I really mean Esther and Boy.)

Speaking of The Boy, he and I are about to go do some Christmas shopping in a bit seeing how I have... well... nobody's present yet. Gosh, I'm such a slacker. Watch me end up buying some pink shoes for myself instead. *Sigh*

But in order to go out, I must get clean first. Which means that I have to take one of them shower things... [You've heard of those too, right Stephanie?] TTFN, ta ta for now!

Thursday, December 18, 2003

Happy Birthday, Stephanie!!!

I love you. And your floor. And your Tare Panda. Yum!

"You fucker!"
"If you had a dick, I'd suck it."
"You're good at being you!"
"OW! My foot!!!"
"I set the ramen on fire!"
"Chie ji pien? Chie shu er pien. Da jia chu lian pien."

Wednesday, December 17, 2003

Vivian and I are at Stephanie's right now because the dorms kicked us out. So sad... But we made the best of our time together and decided to act like total dorks. Besides, pictures are way more fun than reading about my boring loser life. Hurray!

I... really don't know what the hell we're doing.Umm... Yeah.*Cough*Mmm... Tare Panda tastes so good...Blehh.Just Swallow It!I love Nin Jiom Pei Pa Koa beause it 'soothes and protects a sore throat and relieves minor mouth irritation'. MmmVivian is so hot.I get my weirdness from these people. And Vivian looks kinda constipated.

Saturday, December 13, 2003

I love you.

Have a great winter break, kids. Try not to break yourselves.

I know I'm going to hate myself for doing this... but... I gotta link to my friends. Even if they use crappity crappy crap crap Xanga. [And even if they can't link back!]

  • Stephanie: I can read you only because you talk like a normal person. And for that I thank you. But seriously, lay off the alcohol and flaming cheetos.
  • Julie: I also don't mind reading yours because you actually type the way you talk. And you post oh-so-pretty pictures up, and who can say no to pretty pictures?
  • Vivian: I don't know why you type the way you do, but I still love you anyway. Even if you have an abnormal obsession with your dog.
  • Lee-Ting
  • Jonah
  • Karen
  • Mike
  • Connie
  • Xindy
  • Jen
  • Lil' Steve

    Ew. I hope this doesn't contaminate Blogger with unfriendly diseases.

  • I wake up to find a little somethin' somethin' from Emelie:

    XsomaX33X: hey i have your cell phone.

    Auto response from SooshiMooshi: Hi! I'm idling!

    XsomaX33X: so yeah.
    XsomaX33X: get it
    XsomaX33X: im drunk as hell what a crazy night we had.
    XsomaX33X: oh man alive
    XsomaX33X: wait i didn't mean to im you. im sorry tammy. what a bad person i am. how embarrasing.
    XsomaX33X: ignore ALL of this and have a good saturday morning

    I'm just surprised that she was still able to type so well... =)

    It's Friday!!!

    1. Do you enjoy the cold weather and snow for the holidays? No, not at all.

    2. What is your ideal holiday celebration? How, where, with whom would you celebrate to make things perfect? I just want to chill at a home with friends/family/Boy and eat lots and get fat with each other.

    3. Do you do have any holiday traditions? Nah. Traditions are overrated.

    4. Do you do anything to help the needy? I'm needy! I need help!

    5. What one gift would you like for yourself? A lollipop.

    It's kind of sad that I've resorted to using my cell phone as a digital camera.

    But here are some interesting pictures from this morning as Stephanie, Vivian, Mike, and I went outside to see the sun rise (although it was in vain because it was cloudy out).

    Studying for the past 10 hours at PCL? We are past delirious.*Passed out*Hey, what does that button do?Mmm... Butt...Ahhh! The sun! Burning...*Muah*Eww... What is that hideous thing growing out of the side of Tammy's neck???Eww... What is that hideous thing growing out of the side of Mike's neck??

    Friday, December 12, 2003

    SooshiMooshi: you like my hippo!
    S e h n E 13: haha... i absolutely LOVE your hippo
    SooshiMooshi: oh no, it stopped moving!
    S e h n E 13: it did???
    SooshiMooshi: i just refreshed the page
    SooshiMooshi: there it goes!!
    SooshiMooshi: yay!
    SooshiMooshi: i wonder where he's going
    SooshiMooshi: he seems to be in a hurry
    S e h n E 13: to find foooood
    S e h n E 13: cuz he's HUNGRY
    SooshiMooshi: marbles?
    S e h n E 13: hmm. maybe
    S e h n E 13: ooh
    S e h n E 13: maybe the marbles are rolling away
    S e h n E 13: so he's trying to catch up w/ em
    SooshiMooshi: oh. that make sense

    Me and Stephanie are hippo-loving amoebas

    Contrary to popular belief, Blueberry Fanta Slurpees from 7-11 are really good at 6 in the morning. Not to mention, it also makes for a healthy breakfast.


    This will be the 3rd and (thankfully) final night in a row where I pull an all-nighter. My schedule for the past few days goes a little something like this:

    Study until 8:40 in the morning and go to my 9am final.
    Go back to the room at around 10:30.
    Pass out until 5pm.
    Dick around for a few hours.
    Go to PCL at 7 or 8.
    Study until 8:40 in the morning and go to my 9am final.

    I've screwed up my internal body clock big time. It's no wonder that I'm still sick.

    But hey, after a few more hours, I'll be free! Hurray for play time!

    Julie: For the get-well bag and the coffee and your hugs. They are much appreciated, and I'm definitely gonna put those Nyquils to good use this weekend.
    Stephanie: For making me laugh so hard that my stomach hurts. Your mullet and mini skirt are totally hot, by the way.
    Vivian: For lending me your blanket so that I could take a somewhat comfortable nap. Oh, and your gay purple hippo is really soft.
    Mike: For just keeping me company all night and making sure that I was feeling okay. You are awesome.

    Good luck to the rest of you who have exams this Saturday and next week. Study hard, and gimme a call if you need me to bring you a Blueberry Fanta Slurpee. They're good, I promise.

    Thursday, December 11, 2003

    Wow. Finals have turned me into a vampire.

    From Ryan: Have a Great BK Holiday! =)

    [Please don't hurt me.]

    I pulled an all nighter at the PCL for a 30 minute test. Life works in funny ways.
    [Much thanks to DK David for staying up with me and keeping my ass awake to study. Hope your gas problems will go away soon and that you won't explode.]

    "Advice to the class.. don’t mess with hyenas, they’ll hunt you down and pull off your testicles (if you are male) then just eat you to death, starting around the anus." ~Online notes from my Biology professor (the same one who talked to us about his lost testicle. He's a weird one.)

    [Edit: As much as I would love for Donkey Kong to keep me company while I study, I'm afraid that when I said DK, I meant someone else. I do apologize.]

    Wednesday, December 10, 2003

    Hi! I had a grand total of 30 minutes of sleep last night and I just got back from my Economics exam and it was really hard but I'm so delirious right now that nothing matters anymore but I just keep thinking two more days two more days and then I will have nothing do to but fart around and sleep all I want without worrying and what is that smell out in the hall because it's making me nauseous and I really shoullllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliuwfdjkjj

    Tuesday, December 9, 2003

    Me: Did you know that there is a hormone in milk scientists recently discovered that messes up your body so that it grows a lot faster than normal and can result in long term health defects?
    Friend: Are you serious???
    Me: No. I just made that up because I hate milk.

    My drunken roommate just IMed me before she went to bed, and for some reason, it made me really happy.

    Sarahs425UT: goodnight my little star

    The other day, as I was going through some old boxes, I stumbled upon my Asian Scroll of Destiny. When I opened it, all I saw was chickenscratch. But then I turned it the other way and realized that it was in Chinese. It said something along the lines of...

    On your journey of life, you will learn to become a ninja and kick a lot of ass. Be one with the sword and the star. Along the way, you shall meet Hip Rapper M that will help you on your path of ninjahood. Here is a burka to conceal this scroll, and to make yourself look damn sexy.

    I put the burka on. And holycrapI'msohotIcanbarelycontainmyself.

    I am one with the sword and star.

    I later discovered that my ASoD was right. Within a few weeks of my incredible journey, I met Hip Rapper M while I was fighting off a band of rabid coyotes.

    Hip Rapper M rocks the hiz-ouse

    All M does is rap and occasionally run into me with her huge hips. She says,
    My name is Tammy and I'm here to say
    I'm a ninja in a brand new way
    My sword may look dull and myself immobile
    But my fame and my skills are known global
    My eyes are Asian and oh so narrow
    I'll shoot your wang off with a bow and arrow
    I got your fortune cookie today
    It says your dead body will be on display
    My name is Tammy and I'm here to kill
    I'm a ninja looking for a thrill

    The next Vanilla Ice. Only cuter.

    And then my life was complete. The end.

    [Much thanks to Molly for the help on the story, poem, and pictures.]

    *Sigh* I really should be studying.

    SooshiMooshi: economics makes me want to break things
    pink ess enz: so does chem. chem makes me want to hydrochloric acid everything to death

    Monday, December 8, 2003

    As I got on the elevator this afternoon to go eat...


    I looked up and noticed some guy I've never met before. I also noticed that there was no one else on the elevator aside from me and him. So he must be talking to me, right?

    "Um. Hi."
    "What's up?"
    "Not much."
    "Studying for finals?"
    "Yeah, it's loads of fun."
    "Heh, I bet. What do you have to study?"

    My attention was then diverted to a small sandwich bag that Random Dude was holding in his hands. I was confused for a moment as I tried to determine the contents of the bag. It... can't be what I think it is, can it? But my suspicions were soon confirmed. RD was definitely holding a bag of weed. He then proceeded to ROLL A JOINT INSIDE THE ELEVATOR. Did he not realize that there are security guards downstairs? I mean, if you wanna smoke up, then by all means, please do. But seriously, in the elevator?

    SooshiMooshi: what's shakin
    S e h n E 13: your ass
    S e h n E 13: i like
    S e h n E 13: a lot

    Thanks, Senny B. =)

    Sunday, December 7, 2003

    I've had wet dreams about this day.

    And I know you all have too.

    The McRib sandwich is now back at McDonalds!!!

    Goodbye, healthy diet, and helllooooo heart disease in a box.

    Friday, December 5, 2003

    I got my ears lowered!!

    Why is my head so friken' huge??

    Can't you tell that I totally love it?

    No, but I really do. Shit, for the amount I paid, I better like it. [Didn't I say that the last time I got my hair cut?]

    Anyway, so instead of working on my paper and studying like the rest of UT is doing, I'm just farting around and putting things off until the last possible minute. If you wanna learn how to do poorly in college kids, just take after me.

    Don't believe me? I've got Quizilla to back me up on this.

    I am smrt.

    I did, however, discover some neat things in my procrastination time.

  • A 360 degree panoramic shot from the top of Mt. Everest. I played with this for about 5 minutes and I think I got a little motion sickness.

  • Fat Kid is officially my new hero. [Thanks, Boy]

  • Adventure Elf! Just beware of the yellow snow. [Thanks, Hips]

  • My Porn Name is Autumn Foxx. Isn't that sexxy?

  • A Snowglobe! You can shake people up and make em' real dizzy. [Thanks, Stephanie]

  • It's time for Snowcraft yet again. This game can provide hours of pure entertainment.

  • On the topic of the atrocity that is Xanga...

    Girl: i can't read a lot of people's xangas because they talk all ghetto, or there's bad music in the background, or you can't read the damn words, or they talk with a million exclamation points
    Girl: so basically I can't read any xangas
    Boy: yeah.
    Boy: what's wrong with xanga that makes people do that?
    Girl: i don't know. its a disease
    Girl: if i ever start talking like that, please slap me
    Boy: oh don't worry. you won't have to remind me.
    Girl: kay good
    [Just kidding, I love all of you Xanga whores. Go on wit yo bad azn selves.]

    I think I've provided you people with enough links and entertainment to last you for the next couple of weeks. Gosh, I'm such a philanthropist. And with that, I shall be on my way. Must... study...

  • Tuesday, December 2, 2003

    I should be doing my paper right now. You know, seeing how it's due tomorrow and all.

    But slacking off is just so much fun!

    From last Friday:

    1. Do you like to shop? Why or why not? Yes. Too much! I really think I have a shopping disorder.

    2. What was the last thing you purchased? I got food last night. Yum!

    3. Do you prefer shopping online or at an actual store? Why? I don't mind shopping online because it requires less movement, but I get real antsy and I hate waiting for the stuff to be shipped, so I'd prefer going to an actual store. Even if it does make me get off my fat ass.

    4. Did you get an allowance as a child? How much was it? Not really, I just bugged my mom for money whenever I needed some. Like this past weekend for instance.

    5. What was the last thing you regret purchasing? I don't remember. I like all my stuff. Stuff is good.

    My roommate let me burn the new Britney Spears CD. Am I a horrible person for liking it?

    Because I don't, I swear!
    [Update: "Toxic" is a really good song. It makes me wanna boogie.]

    I love you, Molly, for owning that t-shirt and for proclaiming our pirate status. Arrr.

    And off to work I go! Vroom!

    Sunday, November 30, 2003

    Yay I'm back I'm back!

    Thanksgiving recap:

  • Thanks to Stephanie and Kelli for spending Wednesday with me and having a "First" night. We should go back to D&B to show off our awesome DDR moves. And by awesome, I mean, really really bad.
  • Thanks for chillin' with me for Thanksgiving, Kelli. It's too bad that we couldn't go back to TN, but I'm glad that I had a friend to be bored with here.
  • Thanks to Terence for the yummy 12 pound turkey and for letting me eat THE WHOLE THING.
  • Seattle weather sucked my left nut. It was rainy and gross and cold the entire time (the whole 30 hours) we were there. When we got back this morning...
    Terence: You see, this is what you call good weather.
    Me: Do you see ANY clouds in the sky??
    Together: FUCK NO!
    Terence: Do you see anything falling down?
    Together: FUCK NO!
  • The wedding was really cute. Small, but cute. And my mommy looked *so* beautiful.
  • I miss all you guys from home. =( But I get to see you all in a couple of weeks!
  • I got a lot of warm clothes this weekend. And I got pink shoes. SOMEONE TAKE MY DEBIT CARD AWAY FROM ME!
  • I officially hate flying. Especially at 12:25 am. Next time, just drive a rusty screwdriver into my face beforehand, okay?
  • It is cold as balls in my room. Haven't these people heard of a little thing called, "heat"?
  • I realized when I was taking a shower that my body is really beat up. And I don't know why. Are one of you guys kicking my ass when I'm sleeping? It's not nice.
  • To celebrate the molestation charges filed against Michael Jackson, I went out and bought his Number Ones CD. I am listening to it right now and I really want to dance.

    So, how was your Thanksgiving?

  • Thursday, November 27, 2003

    Happy Turkey Day!!!

    So I'm totally jacking this idea from Julie. Only because it's *such* a good idea though.

    For this Thanksgiving, I thank thee...

    Sivan ~ What would I ever do without you, girl? I know you've had it pretty bad this semester with your STUPID MAJOR THAT NEVER LETS YOU SLEEP. Even so, you've always seem to have made time to talk to my pathetic little self. I will never forget all those times we've had together... from when I was just your "schedule buddy" in 6th grade to the times when we were stupidly obsessed with Hanson and to our little "Ray moments" this past summer for the past 5 years. We've seen each other through the toughest times, and through the happiest ~ I'm just glad to say that I got to share those times with you. I think it's amazing that we've been... us... for so long and I'm so glad that I have a person like you in my life. Thank you for always being there for me and for being my therapist and for putting up with my calls late at night while I'm crying so hard I could barely talk. You are a sister to me and I love you like crazy. Plus, you are my favorite Jew, ever.

    Mommy ~ I know the Mom never reads this, but I just wanted to let you people know how super she is. Mommy, you are my whole world. It has been just us two for the past 6 years, and it’s going to be weird having someone else that’s not me take care of you now. But I’ll try not to be too jealous. Thanks for being the best mother anyone could ever hope for. You were always patient with my stupid and arrogant self. I think if I were you, I would have thrown me against a wall a long time ago. But thank you for not doing that. Thanks for putting up with my stubbornness, neediness, and my excruciating cell phone bills. You are going to start a brand new life now and you will have to be a mother to two new kids. And if they ever make you cry, I will make them cry.

    Terence ~ You are the coolest brother, ever. I thank you for the gifts you buy me, the food that I always steal from your fridge, your *awesome* water, your big-screen TV, your comfortable guest bed, and the constant slaps upside my head. What more could I ask for in an older brother? Oh yeah… wanna get me a gamecube for Christmas?

    Molly ~ You have the most magnificent hips in the whole world. And for that, I thank you. Actually, I thank you for a lot more than that. I still remember how awkward it was when it was just us two out to lunch senior year when I didn’t know you at all. Who knew that we would become good enough friends for you to come visit me in Austin (and *not* just shop at Urban Outfitters, you ho)? Speaking of shopping, you are the worst shopping buddy, EVER. You make me broke. But I still love you. Thanks for listening to me whine and complain about “Mr. Tool”, and for always making me laugh – be it at you or with you, it doesn’t matter. And remember, we are the two most sarcastic bitches in the whole world. I love you and your big hips.

    Esther ~ I know that I haven’t talked to you much at all this semester now that I’m in Austin, but that doesn’t mean that I’m not thinking about you. You have been one of my closest friends for a long time and knowing I’ll be seeing you every Sunday made my Church-going experience a lot more enjoyable. I will never forget the times during high school when we would yell out of your car at unsuspecting victims or the numerous nights I spent on the air mattress in you room. I still have our little notebook, by the way. You are one of the most talented people I know, and when you become famous, I’ll be proud to say that I know you. Thank you for always being my favorite FOB, and I’m always happy when people say I look like you because damn, you’re hot.

    Big Steve ~ Dude, I miss you so much! I got to know you a lot better after I started working with you this past year. You are seriously like a second brother to me and I was so sad to have to leave you after summer. Work was always more enjoyable with you around… especially on Wednesdays when it was just you and me and the whole restaurant to ourselves. I loved making fun of people in Chinese with you and taking pictures with our matching picture phones. I will never forget that day when Grace came in wearing the same clothes as you… that was just priceless. Thank you for being so down to Earth about everything, and for always cheering me up when I needed it. “Your mom’s face!”

    Carly ~ Oh Carly, how I miss you so. I know that you’ve had it pretty rough this past year with all the crap that’s going on in your life, and I wish that I was there so I can give you a big ole hug. Just hang in there, I know you are strong. Thank you for always being such a sweetheart, and always being so selfless. That goes a long way, you know. You have always been such an inspiration to me – through your faith, your passion for photography, your love for your family, and through being your dorky self. You are one of the most beautiful girls I know and I’m just proud to say that I know you. I would totally go after you if I were a guy and it’s just too bad I’m not. So I guess I have to resort to biting you. ^_~

    Emma ~ I hope things are going great down there in Mississippi and that you are corrupting the minds of those crazy southerners. You never fail to amaze me with your s-m-r-t-ness and your open-mindedness about pretty much everything. I think you made me look at life in a different way, and I thank you for that. We chilled a lot this past year, and I think you and I had a lot in common… especially when it came to boys and relationships. Thank you for those numerous times we spent at your farm and in your hot tub, and how can I forget about you peeing off the ledge? We’ve definitely had some good laughs and that’s something I can always look back upon and smile. “HIEEEEEE!”

    Lindsey ~ Schmoopie!!! Or should I say, the next Mia Hamm? Gosh, I miss you sooo much, and I can’t believe that I actually went by one whole semester without seeing you and goofing off with you. Thanks for always being so laid back so that I never had to worry about dealing with all that drama. I will never forget how cute you looked when you got your wisdom teeth pulled and how much I wanted to poke your face. Thank you for constantly making me laugh with your crazy ass. By the way, how’s Ludacris’ cousin doing? Tennessee Tina can’t wait to see you again! And remember: Show me your Peay-ness.

    Heather ~ My favorite fathead in the whole world! How can I forget the bazillion projects we worked on together for AP US history? I guess that’s how we met, huh? But I’m definitely glad I’ve gotten to know you better over the past couple of years. Thank you for always driving me places in your thugged-out car. I especially loved it when you would push the seat all the way back and crank the ghetto music up really loud. It’s fun to pretend that we are white trash! Thanks for always putting a smile on my face and for being such a goober. I know that you’re not liking your college too much and are thinking about transferring to UTK next year, so I hope all of that goes well. And do say hello to dear Kaelin for me.

    Emily ~ I know that you are living it up in Ohio, but I hope you didn't forget about us girls! We’ve become better friends our senior year, and I’m glad we have because where else am I going to find someone who says “suppose-a-bly”, and “you’re grossing me out”? So basically, where else am I going to find someone who speaks English as bad as I do? Anyway, thanks for being a dork with me all the time and for always being there to listen to my stupid problems. You definitely made AP Euro a lot more enjoyable (the times that I was awake, anyway). We need to go back to Florida and “throw some elbows”!

    Gaby ~ I always look back at my senior year and wonder why the hell I ever got into BC Calc. But then I think, if I didn’t, then you and I probably wouldn’t have gotten to be good friends. Thanks for always making me want to do better in school – I don’t know why you ever freaked out about not getting into college, but I’m glad you did, because it forced me to finish my own applications. You always strived to excel at everything and that just made me want to do even better. So, thank you for that, Ms. Smarty Pants. You told me the other day that you were having boy problems, and all I have to say is that you need to start beating the off with a stick. Thanks for being the coolest El Salvadorian chica, ever!

    To You TN Girls ~ I'm so sad that I don't get to see you guys over Thanksgiving, because I was really looking forward to it. College just isn't the same without you ho-bags. I miss you guys so much and I can't wait to hang out over Christmas break and catch up on old time. Tammy loves you all.

    Jason ~ You are such a dork but you are still a pretty bad ass big bro. I’m glad that you talked to me during one of our first mixers, otherwise I would have never picked you as my big bro. But I’m glad I did because you are probably one of the nicest people I have ever met. Gay, but nice (haha – just kidding). Thank you for staying up talking with me until wee hours of the morning, for lending a listening ear whenever I needed to vent, for making me play Bomberman (“I pick your ass up, and throw your ass out.”), and for just being the freak that you are. I will miss you a lot next semester when you go back to Houston and you better not forget about us. Stay strong, and know that we are all here for you. I <3 you, GayBoy.

    Sarah ~ You are the best drunken roommate anyone could ever ask for. My room is kinda lonely now that you’re not in it and that I can’t just reach over from my bed to hit you. I was really nervous about the whole roommate situation when I first moved here, but I’m so glad that I ended up with you. You are quite possibly the most energetic, hyper-active, boy-crazy, alcoholic, girl I’ve ever met, but you never fail to make me laugh. Thanks for always offering a tissue when I’m crying on the phone and not getting too annoyed with me. I also love talking to you on AIM when you are right next to me. I am definitely gonna miss having you as a roommate next year. Go DG’s!

    Julie ~ Big boobie girl! I don’t know how I can ever thank you for being there for me throughout pledging. I know that I was probably the whiney little bitch but you always made me feel better. Thank you for taking care of me these past few weeks and always encouraging me to go on when I thought I couldn’t. Thank you for letting us trash your apartment all the damn time and for driving us everywhere (with my car…). I don’t know what I would do without you. I think I would just keep getting lost everywhere. Anyway, thanks for being so supportive and for always being there when I needed some encouragement. And I know I can always count on you to be blunt with me if I’m wearing some ugly outfit.

    Vivian ~ Or should I say, Ms. Veeh? Much thanks to you these past couple of months for always being a nerd with me and having “lesbian tensions”. It means a lot to have someone always encouraging me and giving me a hug when I need it most. Thanks for letting us pass out in your stanky room that one week and making it all gross (my earrings are still in there, I believe). I’m not sure if you could ever find the perfect guy though… with your insatiable desire for Louis Vuittons, ugly Subaru’s, designer clothes, and Chloe hotdogs. You are an awesome person, and I’m proud to have you as a pledge sis. “This how we do it where I’m from, thuggin’ in the club till I see the sun… shiiiiine…”

    Phuong ~ Hey! By the time you actually read this, it will probably be 3 months too late because YOU DIDN’T HOOK YOUR INTERNET UP. I still love you though. I still remember you from the first ASR rush even when I seriously thought that you were 27 years old. So imagine my shock when I found out that you were actually only 19 18 19. It’s been awesome getting to know you and I think you and I have a lot in common… we are the innocent ones, remember? You always know what to say and what I want to hear when I’m down in the dumps. That in itself means more than you will ever know. When you started crying that one night (you know what night I’m talking about) I thought… “Wow, she really cares”. So. Thank you, Phuongus. I love you and your big ass.

    Stephanie ~ Senny B!!! Awww it’s my Stephanie! I’m glad that you became our 6th pledge sister for the last couple of weeks of pledging. You are so funny and I love just being a total goofball with you and I love it when we crack ourselves up. I know that I can always count on you to stay up with me until ungodly hours of the morning when everyone else is too busy being pansies and sleeping. I’m glad that we are getting you used to hugs now. You’ll thank us later. I loved our date last night, by the way... I can't believe you actually can stand me after my little run-ins with the curb and my sad attempts at playing video games. I still want some bubble tea, damnit! Oh, and I love the pink tumor. It keeps me quite warm at night.

    Lilian ~ Yay for our pledge mommy! Thank you so much for being there for us these past few months. I know that you have been mad busy with everything you do, but yet you still made time for your Zetas. And we love you for that. We couldn’t have asked for a better pledge mom. I also thank you for talking to me and just listening to any problems I had despite your busy schedule. And of course, I love walking home with you after meetings… makes everything so much more enjoyable. =) Thanks, Lilian.

    Kelli ~ T is for Tennessee (not Texas)!!! I'm so glad that you talked to me during the rush event... I think that you were probably one of the main reasons as to why I decided to pledge for ASR, and I thank you for that =) I'm glad that I got to know you better throughout these past two months and that you always let me know that you were there if I ever needed to talk to someone. I don't think I could ever forget this weekend, if you know what I'm sayin'... Us crazy Tennessee girls sure do know how to have fun!

    ASR Ladies ~ I am so proud to be called one of your sisters now, and I’m also really glad that I went through pledging. I definitely had some doubts and there were times when I really thought that I just couldn’t do it anymore. But I’m glad that I stuck through because otherwise I wouldn’t have gotten to know such wonderful people like you girls. I’ve become closer with some of you guys and I can’t wait to do the same with the rest. Thank you for being there for me… oh, and of course, thanks or calling me the next day to make sure that I’m okay and then to make fun of me.

    And of course, last, but definitely not least...

    David ~ God, where do I begin? Words can't even begin to describe how much I love you for being there for me, and for being the best boyfriend a girl could ever ask for. I know that we have been through a lot of shit lately with me pledging and doing all my sorority stuff, but somehow, you stuck through. I don't know if I could ever thank you enough for that, and you don't know how much that means to me. These past 3 years have been amazing and I cherish every moment of it (even when we argue – Because “bad times wake us up to the good times we weren't paying attention to”). We've had our definite ups and downs, and there were times when I thought I couldn't go on anymore. But I'm glad I did, and there's never a day that goes by that I don't think about how happy I am to have you in my life. I'm sorry about everything. I truly love you. And I know that I use the same word to describe my affection for shoes or really amazing hand lotion, but I really, really do love you. You are my everything and I wouldn’t mind spending eternity with you. Waking up in your arms has got to be one of the most amazing feelings in the world. You have taught me so much and I thank you or making me who I am today. I love you, baby... Oh, and... please, "Unbreak my heart".

    Anyway, I hope all have a great Thanksgiving, and make sure you eat lots and gain lots of weight. Afterall, that *is* what Thanksgiving is for, right? Friends? Family? Who needs 'em when you've got a 12 pound turkey waiting for you on the dinner table!?

    Just kidding, I love you guys, and I'm thankful for all of you who've made an impact on my life and who've left footprints in my heart.

    Tuesday, November 25, 2003

    Boy: i'm not that tall though!
    Girl: to us you are!
    Boy: to us?
    Girl: us FOBS
    Boy: oh right.
    Boy: you're my fob :-)
    Girl: aww that's so sweet
    Girl: ive always wanted to be someones fob
    Boy: and i can be your token white boyfriend
    Girl: exactly
    Boy: hurray! we can be each other's stereotypes

    I've decided to get a job.

    Seeing how I'm usually quite busy during the day because of this crazy thing people call "class", I'm getting a night job.

    I am going to be a professional pole dancer.

    Or maybe I should just get some lovin'. My sexual frustration is beginning to make me do stupid shit like make out with inanimate objects. *Sigh* I have serious issues.

    [Note: Yes, I do realize that this was taken a year ago. But I'm not kidding about the making out with inanimate objects part.]

    Monday, November 24, 2003

    It's fucking cold.

    It's so cold that I felt it necessary to drop an F-bomb. I am wearing two pairs of socks, two long sleeved shirts, a sweatshirt, my hat, my scarf, my thickest pair of jeans, and I taped the airvents with plastic bags. And I'm still cold! Something is not right here... I don't know how I'm gonna be able to handle Seattle weather in a few days. *Sigh*

    So anyway... recap of this weekend, perhaps? I think so!

  • Our formal was awesome. We all looked so pretty! =) [Congratulations, Zetas.]
  • The GB's looked so pretty at their formal too! [Congratulations, Etas.]
  • Apparently, I am the Most Creative.
  • Thanks for all the presents. [Karen - I love the star frame. Carol - the socks are too cute! Jason - the frame and your speech were awesome.]
  • Thanks to everyone who took care of me - you know who you are.
  • Me and Stephanie like Jello a little too much. "It smells like blue!"
  • Julie's lollipops taste like vomit.
  • I love Julie's fridge and freezer. "This hot pocket feels good..."
  • Phuong and I lived through our hell night.
  • Vivian - "I am soooooooo drruunnnkk...."
  • Thanks to anyone who came out to Taco Cabana last night. Yum! Tacos!

    Anyway, I best be on my way now. Take care of yourselves now and hang in there ~ One more day until Thanksgiving break!

  • Sunday, November 23, 2003

    I have interesting friends...

    sHiiiiiii wOoon: my sushi is mushy

    pink ess enz: man i gotta shit
    pink ess enz: i hate shittin in jester
    SooshiMooshi: haha
    SooshiMooshi: come over here. you can shit here
    pink ess enz: MuHAhAHahAH
    pink ess enz: n clog up your toilet with my logs
    pink ess enz: HEWHEHHE
    SooshiMooshi: ewww hahaha
    SooshiMooshi: i dont want vivian logs!
    pink ess enz: HEHE
    pink ess enz: eat them, theyre good for u

    Psycogyrrl: a foot is 6 inches, right?
    SooshiMooshi: hahahaha
    SooshiMooshi: no.
    SooshiMooshi: 12
    Psycogyrrl: oops
    Psycogyrrl: oh no, youre for sure gonna put this in your blog arent you

    SooshiMooshi: I am not a hobag!
    tammyisahoebag: is too!
    SooshiMooshi: is not!
    tammyisahoebag: yeah-huh

    Psycogyrrl: mmm cookie
    Psycogyrrl: and speaking of which
    Psycogyrrl: HOLY SHIT your mother!
    Psycogyrrl: when? whats the exact day?

    Boy: who has the biggest butt?
    SooshiMooshi: umm vivian has a big bubble butt
    SooshiMooshi: but phuong's is just... wide
    Boy: haha. you are mean.
    Boy: you have the biggest head.

    Friday, November 21, 2003

    You know what time it is.

    1. List five things you'd like to accomplish by the end of the year.

  • Mend broken/suffering relationships.
  • Not be mean to my future step-brothers.
  • Lose 5 pounds.
  • Read Lord of the Rings. All of it.
  • Do well on my finals.

    2. List five people you've lost contact with that you'd like to hear from again.
  • Tsinsue
  • Lauren
  • Middle Steven!
  • Kimia
  • Megan
    [If any of you read this and are actually on this list, say hi!]

    3. List five things you'd like to learn how to do.
  • Dance. Well.
  • Sing. Well.
  • Write. Well.
  • Play the guitar.
  • Deal with myself and my emotions better.

    4. List five things you'd do if you won the lottery (no limit).
  • Invest it and quadruple my winnings.
  • Buy the Mom and Guy a nice house. With a heated swimming pool.
  • Buy a pretty car.
  • Get a puppy.
  • Share with my friends. I'd buy them cookies. Lots and lots of cookies.

    5. List five things you do that help you relax.
  • Sleeping
  • Dancing poorly/singing along to bad 80's music.
  • Talking with friends.
  • Pigging out in front of the TV.
  • Getting a massage for my big meaty head.

  • Wednesday, November 19, 2003

    So for those of you who wonder why I was nicknamed "Tamzilla" in high school, I present to you this and this.

    While the reasons are becoming clear in your head, I'm wondering how I ever made friends...

    Tuesday, November 18, 2003

    I moved!

    Well, to two doors down, that is.

    I don't think I've ever fully explained Alkie and my former living situation. You see, I think we both got royally screwed up the ass when we came to visit Dobie over summer. The room they showed us was a decent sized room... probably a little bigger than the other campus dorms. They told us that our room would be "roughly around the same size", but what they really meant was, "your room is going to roughly the same size as an refrigerator box."

    Alkie and I got the efficiency dorm. Mainly because it was the cheapest, and neither of us wanted to pay too much our first year in college. The description for the efficiency was "for students on the go!" And now that I've lived in there for almost one semester, I know why. Because I NEVER WANTED TO BE IN THERE. My bed was so close to my roomate's that I was almost spooning her every night. Those of you who've seen my room know and feel my pain.

    So anyway, we moved. To a side suite. But the best part is? We each get our own rooms. I have so much space in here right now that I don't even know what to do with myself. I can like... do cartwheels and handstands and stuff. Craziness!

    But yeah, you guys should come see it! I've even pushed the two twin beds together so I have one really big bed (so Vivian, if you decide to spend the night here, it'll be big enough so that I won't try to cuddle with you...)

    And much thanks to Stephanie for helping move my stuff keeping me company. =)

    Oh, and thanks for the best gag line, ever.
    Me: I'm not good at anything.
    Stephanie: Yes you are! You are good at being YOU!

    Sunday, November 16, 2003

    Just for the record...

    Please don't poke me in the stomach.

    Or make me laugh.

    I hurt. All over.

    And this is from this past Friday:

    1. Using one adjective, describe your current living space. Cramped.

    2. Using two adjectives, describe your current employer. Not existent?

    3. Using three adjectives, describe your favorite hobby/pastime. Exhilarating, fun, messy.

    4. Using four adjectives, describe your typical day. Long, tiring, busy, interesting.

    5. Using five adjectives, describe your ideal life. Loving, fun, happy, easy-going, exciting.

    Saturday, November 15, 2003

    Congratulations, Alpha Sigma Rho Zeta Class!

    We did it! I'm glad we all went though this together and I love you guys so much!
    [Wow, that was so cheesy that I think I threw up a little.]

    Anyway, look how cute we look!

    Me: Our vocabulary is impeccable.
    Karen: ... What does "impeccable" mean?

    Friday, November 14, 2003

    Last day, girls.

    *Crosses fingers*

    Wednesday, November 12, 2003

    While we were going through our scrapbook last night:

    Phuong: Wow... I look really fat in this picture...
    Me: ... Um. That's me.

    Tuesday, November 11, 2003

    Happy November 11th!

    Don't forget to make a wish at 11:11 tonight. =)

    For those of you who are thinking, "Your mom is getting married?!?" Yes. My mom is getting married.

    If you don't know to whom already, you probably will find out soon enough.

    But for my sake, I shall refer to my future step-father from now on as "Guy". (Esther and I had a discussion about this. I think that it is way too weird to start calling him "dad", and calling him by his first name is just informal and impolite. By Chinese parents' standards, anyway. Them crazy Asians... So I've resorted to referring to him as "Guy", and when I see him and need to talk to him, I'll just... tap on his shoulder and say "hey" or something. But I digress...)

    The Mom and Guy were friends for quite some time since we all go to the same church. However, they didn't start dating seeing courting each other until around this time last year. They hit it off right away, and a year later... Wham! They are getting married.

    Actually, I don't think it was as much of a Wham! as it was a life-altering decision for all of us.

    I'm very happy and excited for them both. Mainly because I love my mom to death and she's my world and he makes her happy. I don't really think I've ever seen my mom like this before... all giddy and in love. It's kinda disgusting, actually. Anyway, I also know that Guy can take good care of her while I'm away. So yeah. Hurray for Mom and Guy!

    Did I also mention that I'm gonna have two younger brothers now? Crazy, I know. Maybe now I can put them through the kind of hell that my big bro put me through for so many years.

    Just kidding. I'm mean, but not that mean.

    Well... maybe I am. *Evil grin*

    So yeah. That's the story. Kind of. And like I said, I'm going to Seattle to see Mom and Guy get married (his family lives there) over Thanksgiving, and we are trying to move to a bigger house over winter break. I'm excited because hey! A big house again! Though... it will be weird waking up to have 4 other people in the house instead of just one. Hrm.

    Anyway, I hope that this updates most of you confused kids. Yeah? Okay, good!

    And these are some leftovers from last Friday:

    1. What food do you like that most people hate? Flaming Hot Cheetos. Mmm.

    2. What food do you hate that most people love? I'm not a big fan of pizza anymore. And I absolutely despise onions.

    3. What famous person, whom many people may find attractive, is most unappealing to you? Josh Hartnett. I don't know what you're thinking, girls. He is not cute!

    4. What famous person, whom many people may find unappealing, do you find
    I think Dave Navarro is kinda hot. In that weird, freaky, what-am-I-thinking, kind of way. Or maybe I am just using him to get to Carmen Electra.

    5. What popular trend baffles you? Those hideous J-Lo parachute pants, Friendster, and the Ying-Yang Twins.

    My boyfriend would disagree with me on the latter, though:

    Boy: my prayers have been answered
    Boy: the new britney spears CD has a track featuring the ying yang twins

    I am, however, totally excited about that new Britney CD. What? She's my guilty pleasure! Plus, she's HOTT (with two T's)!

    Anyway, I think that's enough for today. Bye!

    Friday, November 7, 2003

    I'm definitely not liking the cold weather here. Granted, it's still in the low 50's, but I guess I've just been too used to the high temperatures that 50 is just unbearable.

    Which is super since I'm going Seattle for Thanksgiving, and it's constant shit weather there. Hurray!

    Oh yeah, I'm not going back to Nashville for Turkey Day. =(

    But I am going to watch my mommy get married! =)

    How exciting!

    Thursday, November 6, 2003

    Bluh. I hate having to deal with life sometimes.

    Wednesday, November 5, 2003

    I was bored earlier tonight so I glanced around in my Site Meter when I noticed that Molly, who goes to University of Memphis, makes up for 6% of all the visits I get to this site.

    See here.

    You see folks, that's what you call devotion.

    Kristy1975: I better win an award on your page or something now.

    In honor of this occasion, I present to you, the highly coveted, 1st Annual Good Visitor Award. *Claps*

    Thank you Molly, for being one of the most dedicated out of my... 5 readers. You are awesome.

    I think I'm going through menopause. Stupid hot flashes. =(

    Tuesday, November 4, 2003

    Chris was kind enough to share this with me today. Just thinking about purple hippos in thongs gets me all hot and bothered now.

    Just got back from taking a test and I have another one coming up in about 4 hours. Yay for memorizing and identifying the characteristics of 100 different types of fabrics! It's fun, I tell you. It's so much fun that I would even be willing to let you come take the test for me!

    Gosh, I think I'm really just too nice sometimes.

    Anyway, Damon sent me this little number yesterday. I never knew the Ukrainians were that good at pelvic power liftiing.

    I think I'm gonna go pass out for a couple of hours now before my next class. Be good, kids. And remember: Shake it fast. But please, watch yourself.

    Friday, October 31, 2003


    1. What was your first Halloween costume? I think I was a Madonna or something.

    2. What was your best costume and why? I liked my 8th grade costume when I went as a butterfly. I painted my face all pretty and everything. I even won the best costume award for my homeroom class.

    3. Did you ever play a trick on someone who didn't give you a treat? Oh... is that what you're supposed to do?

    4. Do you have any Halloween traditions? (ie: Family pumpkin carving, special dinner before trick or treating, etc.) No. I just like to go trick-o-treating. Candy! Yum!

    5. Share your favorite scary story...real or legend! I don't have any favorite scary stories. I suck!

    Candy was my whole life as a kid. First 10 years of my life I think the only clear thought I had was "Get... Candy." That was it. Family, friends, school, they're just obstacles in the way of the candy. I'm just thinking, 'get candy get candy get candy get candy get candy'. That's why you have to teach kids not to take candy from a stranger if they're playing in a playground because their such candy moron idiot brains are just, "This man has candy I'm going with him goodbye I don't care what happens to me get candy get candy get candy..." "Don't go! They'll torture you! They'll kidnap you!" "It doens't matter he has an Old Henry, I have to take that chance. Get candy get candy get candy..." So the first time you hear the concept of Halloween when you were a kid, your brain can't even process the information. You're like, "What is this, what did you say? What did you say about giving out candy? Who's giving out candy? EVERYONE THAT WE KNOW IS JUST GIVING OUT CANDY?? Are you kidding me, when in this happening? Where? Why? Take me with you, I gotta be a part of this. I'll do anything that they want.... I can wear that." ~Jerry Seinfeld

    Thursday, October 30, 2003

    My boyfriend claims that this place is boring. Not that I blame him or anything. But to comply with his wishes, I give you some dancing ladies:

    I do this because I love you.

    Wednesday, October 29, 2003

    I was talking to Molly on the phone a bit ago and her roommate asked, "What type of Asian is she?"

    To which I would reply, "I am totally FOBULOUS!"

    Cause you know... I'm a Fabulous Oriental Being.

    Tuesday, October 28, 2003

    So uhh.... I really really really want this poster. Anyone want to spoil me? ^_~

    I am currently in the main library. I needed to make a phone call about 30 minutes ago so I tried to find a place where I would not bother anyone. Up and down the aisles I go, until I found a place where I was far enough from people so that no one could hear me. As I sat down on the floor, I noticed some trash on the bottom of the bookshelf. It was a condom wrapper. An opened, Trojan Magnum condom wrapper.

    Which is ironic because I was in the Pregnacy/Pre-natal care books aisle.

    It's a crazy world we're living in.

    In case you all were just dying to know (and I know you are)... the verdict is in...

    Jizz does not make for good moisturizer.

    Monday, October 27, 2003

    Goldfish are yummy. Plus, it's the snack that smiles back! Raaah!

    However, I can guarantee that goldfish are not as yummy as Peanut Butter Jelly.

    It's peanut butta jell-eh time!

    Sunday, October 26, 2003

    Happy Daylight-Savings-Time Day!

    So how has everyone's weekend been? Mine was super.

    Recap, list style.
  • Boy and I went to my brother's house Friday night because my aunt was coming in town from Hong Kong. We got to sleep on the super comfy Serta bed after watching Red Dragon. It was a nice break from having to sleep on small crappy dorm beds.
  • We slept in on Saturday. And by that I mean that I don't think we actually rolled out of bed until around 6 at night. When we finally managed to get ready to actually leave, it was already 8ish. We spent almost an hour trying to get to a restaurant that wasn't even that good [the only reason why I wanted to go was because it was by the lake - and since it was late by the time we got there, we couldn't see anything.] After dinner and an emergency break at McDonalds, we headed home and watched the Lion King. I think the last time I watched it was over winter break at the IMAX theater. I believe this is the 24th time I've seen it? I'm a junkie =)
  • My brother's dog woke us up with her whining this morning at 9 because she was jealous that Hercules, the cat, was on the bed with us and she wasn't. Boy and I actually got out of bed at around 11 and we cleaned the house, watched a little football, and left to go eat lunch at Marco Polo. Dim sum is yum. I had to take Boy to the airport at 4 and was horribly miserable as I drove home by myself. I'm better now though, I promise. Cause I'm strong... and I'm long... and I'm down to get the friction on. Um.. what?

    So anyway, that wasn't really a list as much as it was 3 paragraphs, but shh... don't tell anyone, okay? I'm gonna go study now. G'night!

  • Saturday, October 25, 2003

    The Boy and I are currently at my brother's house and since he's taking the fam to go to Houston, we offered to have hot, crazy sex in his bed take care of his animals. So I'm staying here for the weekend. And just for the record, I feel a lot better than I did that last post so don't you kids worry about my pretty self. Anyway, have a great weekend, folks. We love you.

    Monday, October 20, 2003

    I am so tired.

    I'm tired of school, relationships, pledging, and just life in general.

    I wish I could just take a break and hide under a rock and sleep and make it all go away. =(


    Friday, October 17, 2003

    My friends are awesome.

    Kristy1975: i took a test
    Kristy1975: and it said i was narcissitic
    Kristy1975: then i took another one, and it told me that i was totally self involved
    Kristy1975: dude. i talk about more than me. i rock, but someone else does too.. right???
    SooshiMooshi: it's okay, you attention slut
    Kristy1975: oh. right
    Kristy1975: so back to me...

    Psycogyrrl: i'm looking for a boy
    Psycogyrrl: plus, i just wanna have a little.. fun, ya know?
    SooshiMooshi: you just want some lovin'. i understand
    Psycogyrrl: ya, you DO know... hehe. oops
    Psycogyrrl: you little ho!
    Psycogyrrl: oh wait. im a ho too

    Spoon635: we should get matching mohawks

    Speaking of which, I found this off of the Boy's profile and it made me really happy. The guy in the pink hot pants is my new hero, by the way. Where did you come from, where did you go? Where did you from from Cotton-eye Joe?

    Thursday, October 16, 2003

    Holy crap, I'm sore. I've been walking like I have a 5 foot pole up my ass. You should see me try to walk down the stairs, it's so pathetic. I make me sad.

    People are outside my door and they are being obscenely loud. I want to throw rocks at them. Grr. Anyway, it's time for the Friday Five:

    1. Name five things in your refrigerator. A 12-pack of Coors Light [not mine of course. I'm not an alchy like my roomate.], Ruffles ranch dip, cheese chunks [yum!], Brita water, and grapes.

    2. Name five things in your freezer. Two ice racks and some Philadelphia white choclate raspberry cheesecake snack bars (which I totally forgot and am now really excited about).

    3. Name five things under your kitchen sink. Pads (haha - ew), curling iron, cotton balls, laundry detergent, bandaids, and a ton of other shit.

    4. Name five things around your computer. A box of TicTac Silvers (which are really good, by the way), a bottle of water, Q-tips, nail polish remover, and my digital camera.

    5. Name five things in your medicine cabinet. Chips, cans of soup, kitchen utensils, mini muffins, and Halloween candy.

    Just for the record...

    I love Slim Jims. [Thanks, Molly. You made me make my day.]

    Wednesday, October 15, 2003


  • I know that my backpack is always open. I intend to do that... you know, because I'm lazy and hey! Easy access. However, this does not mean free reign to use my open backpack as a basketball net in which you can score your trash.
  • I made my finger bleed today as I was walking to the library. There is now dried blood around my fingernail. I'm totally awesome.
  • Karen sent me this. And the sad part is that I think this Britney is hotter than the real Britney. And I know you do too. DON'T DENY IT!
  • Psycogyrrl: what's the plural of emphasis?
         SooshiMooshi: I AM THE PLURAL OF EMPHASIS.
         SooshiMooshi: Muahahaha!
         SooshiMooshi: worship me, you fools!
         Psycogyrrl: um.
         SooshiMooshi: ...hi?
  • I had a paper due today in my Rhetoric of Feminism class. I wrote mine on pornography. Since most feminists believe that porn is degrading and immoral, I decided to write in support of porn - saying that it gives women freedom of sexual expression and censoring it will only threaten women's First Amendment rights. Actually, I'm just using this as an excuse to look at excessive amounts porn without feeling dirty.
  • My Bio test was today and I think I bombed it. But hey! I don't have tests or papers for the next couple of weeks! Party!
  • The Boy is coming to see me in exactly a week. I am excited once again. People love me and are willing to spend $200+ on plane tickets just to see me! Gosh, I am so special. [Actually, I know I'm probably not, but don't ruin this special moment for me.]
  • My hair smells nice. *Sniff*
  • No homework for me tonight! Hurray for sleeping... forever!

  • Tuesday, October 14, 2003

    I hate pigeons. I had to step over 4 of them today as I was walking back to my dorm. Aren't they supposed to... I don't know, fly away and into a wall or something?


    Shadow puppets are for everyone!

    Why do I have a feeling that this guy spends more time figuring out how to make his hands have sex than actually having sex himself?

    Gosh, I wish I were that talented.

    I do, however, love cats. They taste like chicken. =)

    Haha, just kidding. I really do like cats. Mew?

    Sunday, October 12, 2003

    Whoa! Totally forgot:

    1. Do you watch sports? If so, which ones? I'm beginning to like football now. Yeah, scary, I know. This past weekend has been really sad for UT, however.

    2. What/who are your favorite sports teams and/or favorite athletes? Brian Boitano!

    3. Are there any sports you hate? Baseball.

    4. Have you ever been to a sports event? I <3 Ice Skating.

    5. Do/did you play any sports (in school or other)? How long did you play? No. I suck at sports.

    Friday, October 10, 2003

    He's a grrreaaeat maaannn...
    He's a great man?
    He's a great man...
    Who is?
    Jesus Christ.

    Drunken roomates are fun! Yay!

    Thursday, October 9, 2003

    Eric sent me a nice hardcore sex link today. I got so hot from looking at it that I could hardly contain myself and I just had to share it with the rest of you.

    Here it is.

    "Our pages are clam-packed with the JUICIEST, PINKEST, HOTTEST, shellfish action available anywhere on the Internet... AND IT'S ALL FREE!!"

    Oh yeah, baby, yeah.

    Wednesday, October 8, 2003

    My Molly is coming to shop at Urban Outfitters see me for her fall break in 2 days. Tammy is excited.

    SooshiMooshi: I haven't been shopping in a while just so I can when you're here
    Kristy1975: really?
    SooshiMooshi: yeah
    Kristy1975: Well, I transferred money from my savings just so I could go shopping.
    SooshiMooshi: haha
    SooshiMooshi: we are sad people
    Kristy1975: yeah we are...
    Kristy1975: but fashionable sad people
    SooshiMooshi: exactly

    Tuesday, October 7, 2003

    Congratulations to Matt and Moriah on your engagement!

    We all knew it was bound to happen one of these days. =)

    Link time!

    My favorite Molly had to switch over to Xanga because she sucks at html. But I won't hold it against her because she's got big hips to make up for it. Besides, Xanga is funny for people who aren't Asian. I <3 you, Molly. 3 days!!!

    Amy - still in good ol' Nashville. I haven't talked to her for a while. But... Hi Amy! Hope you're doing great! =)

    My template broke.

    After hours and hours of consistant crying, I decided to get things fixed and back on track. So instead of spending a lot time trying to get my old template back, I spent a lot time getting a new one. So everything around here is fairly new and somewhat improved different.

    And pink. Very, very, pink.

    Anyway, I do believe that it is time for me to go to bed now seeing how it's past 2am. Geez, the things I do to keep you people happy. Nighty night, folks.

    Friday, October 3, 2003

    *Vrooom Vrooom*

    1. What vehicle do you drive? A black, 2000, Nissan Altima SE.

    2. How long have you had it? Since the end of this past March.

    3. What is the coolest feature on your vehicle? I like everything about my car. It's too bad that I hate driving so much.

    4. What is the most annoying thing about your vehicle? Since it's black, you can see the nasties on it easliy.

    5. If money were no object, what vehicle would you be driving right now? A Nissan 350Z, a Lexus SC, Mercedes SL500 Roadster, and/or the BMW Z4 Land Shark... I think I'm beginning to see a trend between these cars... Actually, I personally wouldn't mind if I got my car modified to look like one of these crappy crap lookin' cars. Cause it's cute, you see.

    Anyway, it's Friday! Hurrah! I think I shall celebrate by sleeping throughout the WHOLE WEEKEND. Actually, I plan on reading Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. I left my copy with Emma and I never got a chance to get it back before I left Nashville, but I just now got a copy from the library. I felt as though a part of me was missing, but I am complete yet again. To celebrate the occasion: I present you: Potter Puppet Pals. *Bother bother*

    Thursday, October 2, 2003

    Emily H13: are you pledging?
    SooshiMooshi: yeah =)
    SooshiMooshi: funny, huh?
    Emily H13: depends on the one you are pledging for
    Emily H13: are you in the Lion Kings of America sorority?
    SooshiMooshi: haha god i wish

    Take note, kids... My favorite movie of all time is coming out on October 7th.

    Wednesday, October 1, 2003

    My goal for tonight is to go to bed before midnight. *Crosses fingers*

    I have some pictures to post up but I'll do that some other time. I don't want anything to foil my plans of sleeping early. Goodnight, friends.

    Rachel: I'm sorry I was such a baby...
    Pheobe: Oh, don't be silly. Everyone was a baby at one time... Oh, you mean today.

    Tuesday, September 30, 2003

    I didn't crawl into bed until around 3:30 this morning because I was studying for my Econ exam. I woke up at around 5:30 to the sound of my roomate puking into a trashcan right next to my delirous body.

    What is it about me that just makes people want to vomit in the middle of the night?
    (Molly - don't answer that.)

    So seeing how I didn't get much sleep last night, I think I'm gonna pass out for a couple hours now. G'bye.

    Monday, September 29, 2003

    This guy is searching for a soulmate. Won't you help out by being his friend?

    While I was looking for that Weeeee clip, I came across this. It's a cute little story of a poo poo and a pee pee. Awwwwww.

    ... Nothing but poopies!!!

    Just got in from my Biology class and I would like everyone to know that my professor is awesome. He spent almost 30 minutes last Friday talking about the condition of his right testicle. He tells us that he "lost" it a few years ago and it "appeared" just recently. Despite the extreme satisfaction he felt when he became reaquainted with his lost testicle, he had to have it surgically removed nonetheless because it was twice the size of this other one. Then he told us a joke...

    A Texan goes to visit Harvard and he asks one of the students there politely, "Excuse me, but can you tell me where the library's at?" The Harvard student replies, "I'm sorry, but people here don't end their sentences with prepositions." The Texan then corrects himself by saying, "Oh I'm terribly sorry, but can you tell me where the library's at, bitch?"

    I love it when Bio professor digresses. Especially to tell us stories about his nuts.

    Speaking of nuts, I think that is incentive for me to post this yet again. Hold on to your... gonads, and strife.

    Saturday, September 27, 2003

    Hmm... Sad. Supposedly my soul is only worth £23272. I am unpure!!! *Cry*

    I went shopping yesterday and spent too much money yet again. However, my excuse this time is that I haven't been shopping in a long time and so I needed to release some pent-up energy (you know, instead of having lots of crazy sex, I just shop). I was craving shopping so badly that I went to Eckerd's and bought shampoo last week. Loreal's kids' shampoo, too. Mmm citrus mango smoothie...

    I have serious issues.

    Anyway, I bought the new Dave solo CD and the Outkast CDs. I'm listening to Dave right now and all is good. I don't care what you say David, but they're still my favorite band. =P

    I have yet to listen to Outkast but I hear it's good so I'll be looking forward to that. How exciting!

    I also have to study for two upcoming exams, too. I can't even begin to tell you how fun that sounds right about now. Anyway, I'm gonna start on that, but I hope that you all are doing well. Be good now, ya hear?

    Wednesday, September 24, 2003

    Why do I find stuff like this so horribly amusing? You... poke... bouncing... sheep. *Poke poke*

    Oddly enough, these sheep make the same noises when you poke at them as I do when someone tries to wake me up.

    My friend kindly informed me yesterday during my Economics class that the classroom we were in was the same classroom in which Kevin Spacey taught in the movie, The Life of David Gale. She also told me that the seat I was in was the same one that Berlin sat in during the classroom scene. Now all I have to do is seduce and make my professor have hardcore sex with me and then claim rape afterwards. Hurrah!

    Which shouldn't be too hard seeing how my professor is a woman and all...

    So anyway, you guys want to hear something funny?

    I'm pledging for a sorority!

    No, I'm not kidding. And yes, I'm just as shocked about this as most of you are.

    I never thought that I would be the "sorority type" but I decided to rush a couple weeks ago just for the hell of it. I can meet some people and probably even get some free stuff out of it. And you know how I'm all about free stuff. So I rushed. And I *did* meet people and get free stuff. But I also realized that everything I had ever known, every bad stereotype about sororities, this one was the exact opposite. Since it's so small and new, I found it to be less of a "sorority" than a "club". A club of really nice girls who share similar interests, cultures, and backgrounds. Did I mention that it's an Asian interest sorority? Seeing how most of my friends from high school are Caucasian (not that it's a bad thing, of course), I thought that it might not be a bad idea to meet some more Asian people.It's also very laid back, and it's not all about parties and frat guys. So I'm giving this sorority thing a shot. Who knows? Maybe I'll end up hating it and drop out. But hopefully it'll be a really rewarding experience and I'll end up with some really great friends instead.

    Oh my God, what have I gotten myself into?

    So. Congratulations to my ASR Zeta class pledge sisters: Julie, Vivian, Phuong, Janice, and Denise. We get to be Greek Geeks together. =)

    Monday, September 22, 2003

    Ohgoodnessmyohme, it is already Monday. How is it that weekends go by so fast while weekdays go by so slow? I vote that we have three-day weekends, every weekend to balance things out. I mean, you're still working more than you are not working, but you're getting more rest and everyone will be happier and we will finally have world peace. I should be the king of everything.

    As you contemplate what life would be like when I take over... I'd like to take some time and do a little somethin' somethin' otherwise known as the Friday Five:

    1. Who is your favorite singer/musician? Why? Aww but I have so many! I'm definitely still a big fan of Dave Matthews (even though they sold out, I know). I'm excited about their new CD coming out this Tuesday.

    2. What one singer/musician can you not stand? Why? Avril Lavigne. Mainly because she... what's that word... oh yeah... sucks.

    3. If your favorite singer wasn't in the music business, do you think you would still like him/her as a person? I don't think so. I'm a fan of Dave Matthew's music because he and the people in his band are really talented musicians. But they're always drunk, so... I don't think I could like him much if he didn't put out such great music.

    4. Have you been to any concerts? If yes, who put on the best show? Yeah, I've been to a few concerts. And of course I would have to say that Dave puts on the best shows. He's really good live. Weezer and Bare Naked Ladies were both pretty good as well. I need to start going to more concerts now I am in the "Live Music Capital".

    5. What are your thoughts on downloading free music online vs. purchasing albums? Do you feel the RIAA is right in its pursuit to stop people from dowloading free music? I used to burn all of my CDs, and am now just starting to buy them instead. I think it's good to, you know, "support the artists", but I think that if I just wanted to download a couple of songs here and there just to listen to them, then I shouldn't have to worry about getting my ass sued. I'm a broke college student! I don't have the money to buy every single CD that I want, especially if I only want to hear one song from it.

    So it was a good weekend for football (ha! You never thought that I would ever talk about football, did you?). Titans, Tennessee, and Texas won. Texas better have won after that humiliating loss to Arkansas last week. Ugh. It hurts just thinking about that. Is it weird hearing me talk about sports? Hrm. It should be.

    Anyway, I better go to bed now. I just spent all night in the study lounge reading about the wonders of economics. Cause it's fun, see? You kids take care now. Nighty night.

    Tuesday, September 16, 2003

    So I hear that I need to write more. Sadly, my life has not gotten any more interesting now that I'm here. Therefore, I find it difficult to find things to write about. I do apologize.

    However, it has been brought to my attention a few days ago from Boy that it is indeed Talk Like A Pirate Day on September 19th. Mark it on your calendar, folks... that's this coming Friday.

    Whilst engaging in a conversation with Eric tonight...
    SooshiMooshi: arrr
    Eric types: Arrrrr
    Eric types: You going to celebrate it?
    SooshiMooshi: of course! arrr
    Eric types: Arrrrr
    SooshiMooshi: i need an eyepatch
    Eric types: I need a wooden leg
    SooshiMooshi: i need one too. to shove up your butt
    Eric types: I'll kick you in the face.
    SooshiMooshi: with what? the wooden leg that's up your ass?
    Eric types: I hate you

    And since I'm just so excited about this forthcoming holiday, I decided to so you just how sexxy (with two X's) I am as a pirate.

    Wanna shiver me timbers?

    I do what I can to keep you people informed.

    Friday, September 12, 2003

    I want to go.

    If someone would just buy me a ticket to NYC, everything else will be free! See? What a great deal!

    I also wish that I were Japanese so I can go on TV and do one of these neat little stunts. I must say that the ping-pong clip is the coolest one. Hehe. So silly.

    May Mr. Cash rest in peace.

    I had a dream last night that I was going to Taiwan today and only had a few hours to pack. I also didn't get a chance to tell anyone that I would be leaving because I was so rushed. Then I was woken up to the sound of my roomate's alarm. In fact, I was woken up EIGHT times because she kept hitting the snooze button. Ahh, the joys of sharing a room with someone else.

    Anyway, it's Friday.

    1. Is the name you have now the same name that's on your birth certificate? If not, what's changed? No, the name I have on my birth certificate is in Chinese.

    2. If you could change your name (first, middle and/or last), what would it be? In 5th grade, my friends used to tell me that I should make up a middle name (since I don't have one) that starts with L so my initials would be TLC. But aside from that, I don't think I'd want to change my name unless it's to "Tamzilla", or "Tennessee Tina". ^_~

    3. Why were you named what you were? (Is there a story behind it? Who specifically was responsible for naming you?) My Chinese name has three characters with the first character being my last name. The middle character is the same as the middle character as my brother's name (literal meaning - "sky") and so my parents decided to keep that. As for the last character, my grandfathers on both sides of my family each came up with different characters for the last part of my name. When they compared with each other, they saw that all of their choices were different except for one... and that's the one they chose.

    4. Are there any names you really hate or love? What are they and why? Hrmm... I don't think there are any names that I specifically hate. But I love the names, Chole, Celeste, Tyler, Scott, and Alena. However, I must say that my favorite name of all time is Harry's. =)

    5. Is the analysis of your name at kabalarians.com accurate? How or how isn't it? They told me...
    The name Tammy creates a dual nature in that you can be very generous and understanding, but you can also be so candid in your expression that you create misunderstanding. You struggle with the requirement to soften your expression with tact and diplomacy and to consider the feelings of others. Difficulty in accepting advice or admitting that you may have made a mistake causes you to appear to be stubborn and set in your ways. Thus, you have too often created the wrong impression, and friendships have suffered. This name does offer creative talent where there is the opportunity for ingenuity and originality. You have a tendency, at times, to have too many ideas on the go, and thus your efforts are scattered and many things do not reach completion. You are inclined to do to excess the things you like to do. You have very intense feelings and find it difficult to maintain stability and happiness. If you allowed it, temper and self-pity could be problems.
    I think the true parts about that is that I can be cery stubborn and it *is* hard for me to admit I made a mistake sometimes. I also do have a bad temper at times. Grr.

    I do believe that tis time for me to take a nappity nap nap now. Night night.

    Sunday, September 7, 2003

    Yay! Fire drill [actually, I'm not sure if it really was a drill or not...] at 4 in the morning! My favorite part of this whole experience was definitely walking back up 13 flights of stairs while I'm half-asleep.

    Well, geez. That's enough exercise to last me for the rest of the year...

    Saturday, September 6, 2003

    Gee, is it that time already?

    1. What housekeeping chore(s) do you hate doing the most? Vacuuming and dishwashing.

    2. Are there any that you like or don't mind doing? Laundry and cooking. I really enjoy cooking, as long as someone will clean up my mess. =)

    3. Do you have a routine throughout the week or just clean as it's needed? I get in one of my "cleaning moods" at least once every couple of weeks. Granted, my room will get messy again the day after I clean it, but that's besides the point.

    4. Do you have any odd cleaning/housekeeping quirks or rules? I like to go through and clean other people's rooms, I just don't like cleaning my own. Don't you wish you were my friend?

    5. What was the last thing you cleaned? My dorm. I had papers and clothes everywhere. But I gave that mess a good asskicking and now everything is clean again.

    I'm at the brother's right now. And no, I don't spend more time here than I do in my own dorm. And even if I did, what would be so wrong with that? There's good, free, homecooking here, soft comfy couches and beds, pets to keep me company, and a brother to kick my ass. What more could I ask for? A couple of his friends are coming over later and we are going to play Monopoly. Aww good old fasion family fun. Only, I think it would go more like this:

    Me: Ha! I've got a hotel on Pennsylvania Ave.
    Terence: Fuck you! I hope you go to jail, biatch.

    Speaking of which, the Star Wars Kid [link now fixed] is my new hero. I love you, SWK.

    Anyhow, I'm gonna go get my game on now. Night!